Base module for EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game
This is the base module of EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game. The goal of this module is to present a variety of places for the rest of the modules to be attached.
- #876
- 01 Sep 2019
This is the base module of EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game. The goal of this module is to present a variety of places for the rest of the modules to be attached.
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This is the simplest module for constructing and programming. At the bottom, a channel is left for the cable to pass through.
This is an addition for Welder - super simple Motorcycle built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. It allows the motorcycle to drive on its back wheel and perform cool tricks that way. Exactly what tricks, you will have to find on your own!
Instructions for building a LEGO truck. We use a medium motor for steering and a large motor for driving one of the rear wheels.
Francesco 2 is inspired by the robot Francesco.
Building instructions for a simple car using an EV3 Large motor for turning the front wheels and EV3 medium motor with differential for driving the rear wheels. Differently, from Francesco, Francesco 2 has space where a locking mechanism is meant to be built for the differential.
Yolanda comes from the novel "Yolanda, the Black Corsair's Daughter" by Emilio Salgari.
The robot resembles a sailship with two masts. The mast in the back is connected to a medium motor, which allows it to rotate with some limits. The mast also has a gyro sensor in the back. These are placed so that the gyro sensor detects which way "the wind is blowing" and moves the sails that way. The second mast is connected to the first one so that it moves accordingly. The robot also uses two large motors to move.
Uylam is a robot that simulates a stormy environment for its ship. It is made using two piston-like mechanisms powered by a Large motor and offset by 90 degrees to create shaking similar to that of big waves. The ship itself is made out of a medium motor on a turntable and a gyro sensor attached to them. The purpose of this is to explore what is the best position of a ship compared to the waves, so that it sustains the least amount of shaking.
Gen comes from Gendema, a bulgarian late 80s rock band, popular with its song about pedalos.
The robot uses two EV3 Large motors to move, but instead of wheels it uses four-legged paddles, attached to the motors. This makes it look like a pedalo. Additionally it slides on the ground much like a real pedalo on the water.
Because of the strange mechanism of movement, the robot has a gyro sensor to help it keep a straight line.
This robot is a spin-off of the Useless machine built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3. This robots mission is to be the last to press the button it holds.
Barco from spanish means boat.
The robot is made to look like a sail ship. The sails are made out of technic panels, attached in various ways to create the best look. Otherwise the robot uses two motors with tyres to move. At the back of the robot there is a Gyro sensor, which helps it maneuver.
Cápa means shark in Hungarian.
The robot resembles a live hammershark. It uses a medium motor to move its tail, which is used for the shark to turn. It moves forward with a large motor and two tyres. Its jaws open and close with a second large motor. The two touch sensors at the front are purely for aesthetics but you can use them if you like. Finally the head has an ultrasonic sensor which detects if something is a potential "prey". This resembles the real hammer sharks' ability to sense with their "hammer".
Do you have a friend for a sleepover? This might be the perfect robot for you! It is a football gate, guarded by Fint, the goalkeeper robot. You can control him, by using the remote controller, that consists of two Touch Sensors. Take turns making penalty shots and have a blast with this awesome robot!
What we recommend:
This is a little robot that doesn't like its switch touched. It will return the switch back every time it's touched and react in a variety of ways.
The program for controlling the robot is available at /programs/wc7iqy-program-for-ev3-finger-bot
The GorillaBot walks on its two arms, using two large motors as forearms. It also has this awesome head, which actually is pretty useless as an ultrasonic sensor, unless you lift its eyebrows.
Susan comes from Sue, which is the name of the largest fully preserved specimen of T-Rexes.
Mark comes from Marc Bolan, who is the lead singer/gutarist of the band T-Rex.
The robot is made to resemble a T-Rex (Susan) chasing a car (Mark).
The T-Rex uses a Large motor to go forward and backward. The other Large motor is used for the car, which resembles a very simple 4-wheel vechicle. Susan's task is to spot Mark using the current power option of the motor rotation sensor. As T-Rexes can not notice you if you are moving very slow, Mark is trying his best to move really slow so that he doesn't get spotted!
Antares is the brightest star in the Scorpius constellation.
The robot's main purpose is to show two different grabbing mechanisms - one vertical and one horizontal. The vertical pincers use a medium motor and the horizontal pincers use a large motor. Additionally the robot has a sting mechanism which uses another large motor. For a head it uses an EV3 ultrasonic sensor. With the sensor, the robot can sense when the prey is close enough for a suprise attack.
This is a version of the Midas - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Clam robot. The main difference between the two robots is that the motors are flipped.
The robot uses two Large Mindstorms EV3 Motors to open and close its shell. There are four hoses on the top of the shell which can be reshaped to form different shell styles. It also uses two black bent beams for eyebrows that can be moved to change the expression of the clam. A Castor Ball is used to represent its pearl.
Piscis from Latin means fish.
Piscis is a LEGO fish robot which uses a very interesting mechanism for turning. It's tail uses a medium motor to turn left or right. On its end there are two wheels. When the robot turns its tail, those wheels navigate the movement of the robot and it turns. This results in a cool turning mechanism which resembles how fish move.
Piscis also uses a large motor to move forward and backward. The touch sensor at the front helps it sense danger and return quickly back to the reef.
Watch out for the tooth wheels, they bite!
This robot is a simplified spinoff of the Box Robots (Box Robot 1 and Box Robot 2). It may be build with a single set, but it will require extra technic beams 7x5 with open centers.
The name of the robot - "Squmo" is derived from the ancient tradition of connecting two words to make on and hense - "Square sumo" because "Squmo".