Building Instructions -
-These are all the robot building instructions. By visiting each building instruction you could see the Tutorials and Courses and Lessons in which it is used.

FLL 2023: An attachment to deliver Emily for M15 with audience member for M14 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #2004
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2023: An attachment to accomplish M06 and M07, and deliver Noah for M15 with audience member for M14 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #2002
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2022: An attachment to solve M02, M06, M14, and M15-missions simultaneously from FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Competition
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly one more mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot. It solve mission 6 - HYBRID CAR, mission 14 - TOY FACTORY and mission 15 - RECHARGEABLE BATTERY. It partially solves mission 2 - OIL PLATFORM.
- #1859
- 21 May 2024

Alternative Water Reservoir mission model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
- #1817
- 02 Apr 2024

Alternative Energy Storage mission model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
- #1810
- 19 Mar 2024

Alternative Toy Factory Mission Model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
- #1815
- 18 Mar 2024

FLL 2022: Deliver energy units and release hydroelectric dam energy unit attachment for Kriket Box Robot
This is a Kriket box robot attachment used for pushing a lever and precisely dropping energy units. It is used for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED mission call M03 Energy storage and M11 Hydroelectric Dam. This is a multi-purpose attachment that can do more than one thing at a time.
- #1701
- 15 Nov 2023

FLL 2022: Precise drop attachment for Kriket Box Robot for M14 Toy Factory
This attachment is a great example for a precise drop attachment. It is designed for the Kriket Box Robot and accomplishes the M14 Toy Factory mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED competition.
- #1688
- 24 Oct 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M15 Load Cargo attachment
This is an active attachment with gears built from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robotics set. The goal is to do a precise drop. The attachment could be used for both cargo items.
- #1522
- 18 Apr 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M12 Large Delivery advanced attachment
An active attachment with a locking mechanism designed to carry, deliver and drop a large object without letting it go. It accomplishes the FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Large Delivery mission
- #1600
- 04 Apr 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M12 Large Delivery attachment
This is a passive attachment used for FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect mission called Large Delivery. The attachment has a locking mechanism to lock the large wing to allow us to safely carry it.
- #1521
- 04 Apr 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M11 Home Delivery attachment
This is a passive attachment activated by the robot and not by a motor. It's used for accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect Home Delivery mission model.
- #1520
- 04 Apr 2023

WRO 2021 Junior: Slaimi - a post season WRO competition solution robot
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition. But after the competition we try to make a review and to see how we could have accomplish it. Our goal is to be better for next year.
This robot is quite powerful. The attachment mechanism on the front is one of a kind as it can do several things with a single motor: it can lift, it can unlock, it can grab. All of this thanks to the unique mechanism of gears
- #1601
- 18 Jan 2023

FLL 2020: Attachment for Boccia mission
This is a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot attachment for accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2020 Replay Boccia mission . The attachment is designed for Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot.. With this attachment we follow the line with the robot until we reach the team mission and we use the lever on the top to push the blue box. Then we follow the line to reach the Boccia mission, and three things happen: 1. align to the mission model with the front of the attachment, 2. turn the lever to release the green boxes and 3. move the lever to push on the mission model. This is a complex mission requiring a lot of coordination from the robot. Quite interesting I must say.
- #1331
- 06 Jul 2021

Drop attachment with LEGO Educatoin SPIKE Prime, with 3D buidling instructions
The goal of this robot attachment is to demonstrate a principle and example for dropping an object. It's built with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts and could be used in competitions in robotics like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad. It's designed for Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions. Check the courses in which this attachment is used for more information and tutorials on how to use it.
- #1274
- 30 Mar 2021

Drop mission model, with 3D building instructions
Drop mission model developed with a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime. The mission is to move and drop and object in the mission model. This triggers the mission model. It is a popular mission at FLL competitions. In 3D building instructions for you to construct.
- #1273
- 28 Mar 2021