Kiddo - The Compact Roller Coaster Box Robot for robotics competitions

Meet Kiddo, smaller sister of Roller Coaster. It is smaller, easier to build and easier to control box robot with X-Y moving plate.

The goal of this robot is to have one complex attachment that could move in four directions. With such an attachment you can solve a lot of complex tasks without loosing time changing attachments. It is also quite sturdy and packed

This material requires a subscription to one of the following plans:

  • FLLCasts Team Six months
  • FLLCasts School Student One Year
  • FLLCasts Personal B One Year
  • FLLCasts School

In order to build the full construction, you'll have to subscribe to FLLCasts.

Image for Kiddo - The Compact Roller Coaster Box Robot for robotics competitions

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Image for Kiddo - The Compact Roller Coaster Box Robot for robotics competitions

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Image for Kiddo - The Compact Roller Coaster Box Robot for robotics competitions

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  • #882
  • 13 Nov 2019

To construct this you will need

  • LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 Education Core
  • LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45560 Education Resource

Bill of materials (Parts list)

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