FLL 2019: How to Accomplish Mission 09 and return the house with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
Raw footage of the mission. Might upload a more polished version soon
- #1696
- 11 Mar 2021
Raw footage of the mission. Might upload a more polished version soon
Raw footage of how to accomplish the mission. A more polished version might be uploaded soon.
Every time we start the robot we want to start from the same place, not only in terms of where we are on the field but also in terms of how are the motors rotate. The motors have an internal sensor for detecting the rotation. Because of this they know how rotated they are. It is a very good practice to always reset the motors before we start a competition run especially at FIRST LEGO League or World Robot Olympiad competitions
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Raw footage of how to accomplish the mission. A more polished version might be uploaded soon.
Raw footage of how the mission in completed. We might upload a more polished version soon
We call active attachments those that are powered with a motor. This one is in the the mission of lifting levers which is common at robotics competitions like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
This tutorial demonstrates how a robot could align to a black line. The code for the program is available in the course. Aligning to black lines is popular at robotics competitions like FIRST LEGO League as it is the primary way to know where you are on the field and to develop a program that is reproducible. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
Inertia triggered attachments does no require the use of a motor. Let the inertia do all the work. These kinds of attachments are very useful at robotics competitions like FIRST LEGO League and World Robot Olympiad. The robot moves, the attachment falls and grabs the ball. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
Има няколко основни правила, които според нас е добре да спазвате, докато подготвяте този курс. Нека ги разгледаме.
Reusable attachments are our favorite. They could be used in a number of different scenarios especially on robotics competitions like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad. This tutorial shows how this reusable attachment could accomplish a mission for lifting a lever. It uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
Taking/Grabbing loops is one of the most common mission types at robotics competitions like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad. This tutorial is about an attachment that grabs the loop. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
This tutorial shows how quick pinless attachment collects loops. Such attachments are popular at the FIRST LEGO League competition. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
In this video tutorial we run the robot for 10 times and we demonstrate the consistency of the robot behavior with our advanced algorithm for smooth line following. What you will get from it is an understanding and demonstration of what can you expect from the robot.
This video tutorial demonstrates the accuracy and consistency of the robot behavior when we use only the blocks for moving the robot without any sensor. Spoiler alert - the robot is not consistent and it is not accurate.
In this video tutorial we demonstrate the classic algorithm for following a line with robots. It is widely used in FIRST LEGO League competition and could be applied to LEGO Education SPIKE Prime and to other robots also. The algorithm follows a line by moving to the left and to the right and trying to stay at the edge of a black line.
Днес ще ви запознаем с имената и употребата на частите в един стандартен робот.
Важно: Различаваме и разделяме частите по форма не по цвят.
One of the simplest tricks in the game - move, complete the mission and leave the attachment with the mission model. You don't have to return the attachment to the base. On some competitions there might be penalties, but it might be worth it, as you save time to complete another mission. This works especially well with large attachments.. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
This quick pinless attachment is designed for collecting parts by pushing them. It shows the principle of putting a robot of an attachment in a very fast manner. Such attachments are popular at the FIRST LEGO League competition. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
След като вече изпробвахте и се справихте с предизвикателство, включващо поредица от инструкции, искаме да ви представим някои добри практики.
Когато работите с ученици е важно да предадете очакванията си от тях в самото начало на курс.
Нещата, за които да внимавате като преподавател, докато учениците строят роботите си по инструкции.
This is one of the last tutorials in the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime programming for Competitions course and it demonstrates what we've all been waiting for - how to reach a mission model from base in a reliable and consistent way when the mission model is on the other end of the field. Naturally what we use are all the different concepts that we've learned in the course and the tutorial is more advanced than the other so if anything is not clear take a look also at the different tutorials an concepts in the course.
This videos tutorials demonstrated the robot accuracy in 10 runs one after the other. 5 of them are with the robot moving slow and 5 are with the robot moving fast. See for your self what is the accuracy achieved only with the move blocks of the robot.
After you download the SPIKE programming software, to load a program to your robot, you need to connect to your hub! Now lets learn how you can do that!
In this video tutorial we take a look at the consistency of a robot that uses acceleration and deceleration to turn precisely. We use the motion sensor. In 10 consecutive runs we demonstrate what could you expect from the robot when it comes to consistency.