EV3 Phi. Teacher's Note about the motors with which to impress the students
Sometimes a good teacher needs a few tricks in his sleeve, so that he can surprise and entertain his students.
- #375
- 04 Feb 2017
Sometimes a good teacher needs a few tricks in his sleeve, so that he can surprise and entertain his students.
In this robotics tutorial, we give a few notes for the teacher about adding an axle to the front of the FTC robot and attaching a plastic plate to this axle to make the robot collect balls.
Note for the teacher on making the construction more stable, more durable and using beams for this.
This is a teacher's note about the math behind calculating gear ratios with for our lifting attachment. It math model we build in previous tutorials is not exactly correct and here is the explanation why.
What should you as a teacher know when the students are trying to achieve a program and robot attachment that could reproduce their behaviour 9 out of 10 times.
How should an instructor use this course when working with students and a group of students in school
Present the details
What should you do as a teacher when the students are calculating the gear ratios and number of needed rotations?
These are buliding instructions for the FTC robot and collecting attachments with it. We are doing small modifications of the push bot.
Note for the teacher on how to organize the class to use different robot base constructions to accomplish the mission for lifting.
Уитики идва от Маори и означава колан (на поточна линия).
Роботът използва среден мотор, за да върти веригата и цветен сензор, за да разбере цвета на топчето, което влиза в него. Веригата на този робот е съставена от 56 пластини.
Трети колела, промени по роботите, учениците могат сами да изберат задачата си. Опитайте се да се забавлявате с учениците, както и да им помогнете да приключат задачите си. Ето няколко съвета как да проведете урока.
Целта на това занятие е учениците да се запознаят с настройката за измерване на отразената светлина на цветния сензор и да си припомнят как се следва линия.