Bag 5 - Boccia Frame - FIRST LEGO League 2020-2021 RePLAY
These are instructions on how to build the:
- Boccia Frame
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
- #1124
- 31 Aug 2020
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
Dominator is a compact LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Box robot from the family of the Roller Coaster and Kiddo box robots. Similar to the previous two robots, Dominator also can move its front part up, down, left and right. This robot also has the same length of movement as its two predecessors of this type - 8 LEGO pins on the side and up.
The difference is that Dominator has fewer parts and has a perfect center of weight that allows it to use large attachments and lift heavy objects without threatening its stability. The movement on the X and Y axes has the same gear ratio. The light sensors are attached to the movable part of the robot which enables it to both follow a line and recognize the color of various object with height lower than 7 LEGO units.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M08 mission with the Dominator robot. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M07 mission with the Dominator robot. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M10 mission with the Dominator robot. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.
Pallo, from ancient Greek, means to throw or to hurl, which is a part of the modern name "catapult".
Pallo is a robot made of two parts. The first part of the robot is the catapult! It has no electronic parts and uses two rubber bands to shoot a projectile to the second part. The second part is the target. It has a color sensor, which through a piston with different colored sections, determines how accurately the target has been hit! Good luck with the shooting!
This model contains a demonstration of a simple construction with two IS-STEP(s) in the Feature Manager. The folders mean the models has three steps. The first step is the HouseAssam-1, second step is "Flore-4 and Tree-1". Third step is "Flore-1 and Flore2". The final step is the cover of the instructions where we see the whole model. In this way two "IS-STEP" folders produce a model with 4 steps. Source is: Solid Works File
Here is how the instructions looks like in the SolidWorks Feature Manager
When there are no "IS-STEP" folders in the SolidWorks Feature Manager we get this model, where the whole model is a single step and a cover - that is the final step. Source file is: Solid Works File
Here is how the instructions looks like in the SolidWorks Feature Manager