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FLL 2023: An attachment to deliver Izzy and Anna for M15 and solve M03, M04 and M11 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

This is an attachment for Kufar - Easy SPIKE Prime out-of-box robot. The attachment solves the light show mission using rubber bands! It works well, but it does depend on how new your model is. On newer models it can work with only 2 red rubber bands or even with 2 yellow and 2 red. Find the best combination for your field.

The trigger for the light show mechanism also releases Anna the Museum Curator and the masterpiece on the pedestal.

This material requires a subscription to one of the following plans:

  • FLLCasts Team Six months
  • FLLCasts School Student One Year
  • FLLCasts Personal B One Year
  • FLLCasts School

In order to build the full construction, you'll have to subscribe to FLLCasts.

Image for FLL 2023: An attachment to deliver Izzy and Anna for M15 and solve M03, M04 and M11 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

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In order to view the step you've selected, you'll have to subscribe to FLLCasts.

Image for FLL 2023: An attachment to deliver Izzy and Anna for M15 and solve M03, M04 and M11 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

Learn more about the subscriptions

Image for FLL 2023: An attachment to deliver Izzy and Anna for M15 and solve M03, M04 and M11 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

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  • #2364
  • 01 Nov 2024

За да го построите ще имате нужда от

  • Spike Prime education

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