4. M03. Push on a lever to release - Unload Cargo Plane

FLL 2021: Press down on a lever to release - How to accomplish Unlock Cargo Plane mission

In this video tutorial, we demonstrate how to release the cargo of a mission model. This mission model is an Airplane. We have to push a lever down to release it. We use an active attachment with a gear wheel.

Active attachments are attached to and controlled by the motors. This one also changes the movement direction by using gears in a different orientation. When accomplishing the mission, we presume that the robot has already aligned.

Unload Cargo Plane M03 FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect Challenge

Unloading cargo is an important part of the journey. Planes are often just one of multiple forms of transportation used to deliver cargo containers to their destination.


  • If the cargo plane has been prepared for unloading so that the cargo door rests completely down, touching its black frame: 20
  • If the cargo plane has been unloaded so that the container is completely separate from the plane: 10

train track is repaired


FLLCasts Tip

In this mission, if the lever is pressed faster and held, the load will fall and detach from the aircraft, and the lever will touch the floor. You can also take the container to the base. This way, it won't interfere with the plane and truck from M04 and can be put in place for more points.

Bag 14 - Cargo Plane and Cargo - FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 CARGO CONNECT

These are instructions on how to build the:

  • Cargo plane
  • 1x Gray container

You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition at this page.

FLL 2021: Press down on a lever - 10 out of 10 on how to accomplish Unlock Cargo Plane mission

This is a 10 out of 10 video tutorial that demonstrates the consistency and reliability of the robot that accomplishes the Unlock Cargo Plane mission. The attachment is an active attachment with gear wheels. It has a single lever constructed from 2 beans and we use this attachment to push on the mission model.

Push, Lever, Auto-correct

This is a pinless active attachment for Push, Lever, Auto-correct

With the active attachment, we push on the mission model. There is a lever involved where we activate the lever with the motors and the gear wheels, and the attachment auto-corrects as there is enough room for a mistake - the robot could be off with 1-2 inches/ 3-5 centimeters, and we will still accomplish the mission.

Alternative push and release mission model from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime + LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts

Alternative to Bag 14 - Cargo Plane Alternative Model - FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 CARGO CONNECT

Build the original mission attachment, the "Alternative", if it is suggested, or build your own "Alternative model"

The goal of the "Alternative model" is to be close to the real one, but because we don't have the parts we need, we come up with our own. If you've decided to build one on your own, take a picture and upload it to share with other team members and have it as a history of what you've built. 

Example robots, attachments, and programs

Below you can find robots, attachments, and programs that could be used for accomplishing the mission. Feel free to modify them if you've built an "Alternative model" and are accomplishing an "Alternative mission". Use the robots, attachments, and programs as inspiration.

Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot

The story goes like this. Two engineers meet at a bar (or on discord during the pandemic) discussing which robot to use for this year FIRST LEGO League 2020 Replay Solution and Review with explanations. They started their cameras, had a hot Carolina Reaper, had an argument, hugged each other and decided to build Gazon and use this new robot for the competition. So here it is. Small, 4 motors, 2 color sensors, stable, light.

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M03 Unload Cargo Plane attachment

This attachment was intended for and tested on the Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot. It is meant to help the robot complete the 3rd mission of the FLL Cargo Connect competition.

Scratch (Word Blocks) program to solve the M03 Unload Cargo Plane mission

This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with the Cargo Connect M03 Unload Cargo Plane attachment. It is meant to help the robot complete the 3rd mission of the FLL Cargo Connect competition.

FLL 2021: Accomplish the Unlock Cargo Plane mission or the Alternative mission.

Upload a video of how you accomplish the original or an Alternative mission.