Video tutorials
This page shows all the robotics tutorials listed without specific grouping. Each tutorial is short, on specific topic, has a video. Tutorials are structured in sequence in Courses.

Store in Arrays. WRO Elementary 2013.
After we have introduced a menu in the previous video, this video focuses on storing the values in an array. It presents a basic use of arrays.
- #221
- 24 Jul 2016

Programming a menu. Storing in Arrays. WRO Elementary 2013.
The challenge for this video is to program a menu that is controlled from the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 brick screen.
- #220
- 17 Jul 2016

Pushing blocks. Arrays, Lines, Menus with WRO Elementary 2013.
In this video we look at the robotics mechanism for dropping the different blocks into the different region on the World Robotics Olympiad 2013 field.
- #218
- 03 Jul 2016
Arrays, Lines, Menus with WRO Elementary 2013. Introduction
We are working on the World Robotics Olympiad (WRO) 2013 competition and its elementary part. The series will introduce three different concepts and this would be Arrays, Menus and Counting different lines. In the video you will see the robot working as it is in the final stage.
- #217
- 26 Jun 2016

WRO Junior-High 2015. Treasure Hunt. Part 4. Program With Arrays
We would continue from the previous program where we used variables and we would change this to arrays.
- #201
- 24 Apr 2016

WRO Junior-High 2015. Treasure Hunt. Part 3. Decoding field color code
The robot works on the field and decodes the different colours that represent the rows and the columns.
- #200
- 17 Apr 2016