There is a new concept in this class - Switch inside a Loop. Also some of the student will be much faster today than the rest. Here are a couple of ideas how to conduct the class.

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- #1409
- 30 Jul 2019
In this program we use an Switch block in a Loop Block. This is a new concept for the students. Give them 5 minutes to try to build the remote control on their own with different blocks for waiting. After they finish the program, show them that they can not move both motors at the same time. This will make them pay more attention when you later show them how to complete the task with a Switch block. Explain why the block for the motors are set in mode "On"
If the task for collecting the boxes takes too much time for one of the teams, you can allow the rest of the teams to build more boxes and to test their programs on two fields.
Example solutions of "Programming a remote control"
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level B1. "Spy gadgets". Robotics with LEGO
The third level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in second, third or fourth grades.
In these lessons, we stress on more complex and challenging robots. The concept of Condition is introduced. Students learn about physics concepts of inertia and center of mass. Robots with two sensors are built and students program both of them. Programming becomes more complex as robots now can make complex decisions. "Spy"-robots sneakily follow their targets, trying to be undetected.
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Lesson 3 - Remote Control
In today's lesson we would play the role of the spy. Your goal is to slow down the villains that are loading dangerous weapons on a ship. You need to slow them down until the police arrives. The villains are planning to hide the weapons into boxes for cakes and to transport them with ordinary ships. This gives you the idea to steal some of the boxes with weapons and to let the villains search for them. This will surely slow them down. But these are heavy boxes and there are a lot of villains. To achieve your goal you must use a robot.
You still can not program one robot to do everything, but for every task there is a different robot that could help. In every days tasks, spies have to deal with a lot of different situations and adapt to them. In the same way the robots they use must be smart enough and adapt to different situations. You must program the robots to allow you to remotely control them and decide how to accomplish the next task.
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