As we said one of the most important things in the competition is the knowledge of where is your robot on the field. When you know where the robot is you can move it to the right direction. But to point the right direction you probably will need to turn the robot in that way. There are different ways to make a turn, but always there with some inaccuracy. To lower it, we've developed a My Block called Accurate Turn.

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- #1323
- 01 Jun 2019
- FIRST LEGO League, FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit, EV3-G, EV3, FLL, FLL 2018, Programming
The Accurate Turn block
There are three input parameters:
- TurningAngle - The angle on which you want to turn your robot.
- MotorPower - The power with which you roboti will start rotating
- CorrectionPower - The power with which your robot will correct it's turning to make it perfect
The important thing here is to know that the MotorPower value must be "high", and the CorrectionPower value should be "low". Can they be the maximal and the minimal value? Yes, of course, but then the initial turn will be very inaccurate and when you try to correct it with the minimal value it will cost you more time. If you rise the CorrectionPower too much, you will fall into a trap, because it will try to fix a small value with a bigger one (e.g., the robot will try to turn 5 degrees left, but the CorrectionPower will be 10 degrees so, it will turn 10 degrees left, after that 10 degrees right and will skip the target angle forever).
The motors
The Accurate Turn block is working with motors connected on ports A and B. If your motors are connected on different ports, you'll have to edit the block and change ONLY the ports of the move blocks.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

FIRST LEGO League (FLL) 2018-2019 Into Orbit Challenge. Solutions and Review
Our goal with this course is to do a recap of FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit competition. We'll show different solutions for some of the missions along with discussion on the approaches. We hope that a recap like this could help team prepare for next year. With available building instructions, ready to use programs this course is perfect for exercise on the missions from the competition.
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Turn Accurately
As we said one of the most important things in the competition is the knowledge of where is your robot on the field. When you know where the robot is you can move it to the right direction. But to point the right direction you probably will need to turn the robot in that way. There are different ways to make a turn, but always there with some inaccuracy. To lower it, we've developed a My Block called Accurate Turn.
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- 3d_rotation 1