Overload centrifuge (High-G training) - a device used to generate overload. It is used in aviation and aeronautics to test how overload affects humans. It consists of a long arm, and a cabin located at its end. During the rotary motion, a high centrifugal force acts on the cabin, resulting in an overload condition. High overloads are dangerous for pilots and astronauts (they can lead, for example, to losing consciousness), and during training they learn how to deal with it.

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- #1318
- 15 Jun 2019
Centrifuge program
Below you can find the program for the Overload centrifuge
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Robotics introduction with LEGO WeDo 2.0
This course contains 8 'robots'. Students at the age of 5-7 are introduced to their first constructions and first programs. We've prepared 8 different building instructions of fun, engaging and interesting constructions with simple, but yet meaningful programs. All the models could be built with LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 Core Set 45300
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- 0:00
- 33

Overload centrifuge (High-G training)
Overload centrifuge (High-G training) - a device used to generate overload. It is used in aviation and aeronautics to test how overload affects humans. It consists of a long arm, and a cabin located at its end. During the rotary motion, a high centrifugal force acts on the cabin, resulting in an overload condition. High overloads are dangerous for pilots and astronauts (they can lead, for example, to losing consciousness), and during training they learn how to deal with it.
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- 3d_rotation 1