The set of instructions that are followed in a fixed order is called an algorithm. Here is an exemplary algorithm of a school day:

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- #1098
- 20 Feb 2019
1. Preparing for school in the morning;
2. Having breakfast;
3. Going to school;
4. Having lunch;
5. Going home;
6. Doing homework;
7. Having dinner.
It doesn’t matter what we have for breakfast or how many classes we have at school. There is an algorithm in video games as well:
1. Finding shelter;
2. Collecting resources;
3. Making instruments;
4. Finding better resources;
5. Building weapons and armory;
6. Embarking on an adventure on the map.
Again, it doesn’t matter how much time we spend on each of the steps. Bear in mind that even these steps can have algorithms of their own. For example, the “finding shelter” step can have the following sub-algorithm:
1. Checking the time until sunset;
2. Looking around for smoke in the distance showing there is a potential settlement;
3. Looking around for mountains or caves that can be used for shelter;
4. Looking for a close water source.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Robotics with LEGO - Level 3.0 - Security systems
This is the fifth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in fifth to twelfth grades.
In this level students will learn how to work with data measured by the sensors. The concept of Algorithm is introduced and the programs perform calculations without knowing the values beforehand. The programming blocks transfer data between each other via data wires. The robots are designed to address the problems of security systems. Variety of alarm systems are built and the physical principles of different security methods are considered.
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Lesson 3 - Vault door
Imagine you own a bank. Only five people can enter the vault simultaneously. These are the banker, the teller, the guard, the key client and their attorney. The police contact you to warn you there is a group of six bank robbers operating in the area and your bank is on their list. You cannot monitor the bank vault every single day but, as young engineer, you know there must be a solution to this problem.
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