For today’s lesson you need a field for the robot to move. Prepare the field while your students are building the robots.

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- #1032
- 20 Aug 2017
There is an example of the field locations shown on the picture above. Mark the beginning, from where the dump truck will start moving. Then, mark the shipyard, where you will locate the crane. Then, mark the dump points for the three resources – blue balls (natural gas), yellow balls (gold) and red balls (rubies). You can indicate the dump points by leaving a ball of the respective color on a rubber piece in order to secure it. Nevertheless, it would be better to mark the dump point under the ball, on the field, so that you can return the ball to its exact place if anyone pushes it away.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

Level C2. "Cooperation". Robotics with LEGO
The sixth level of the Robotics with LEGO curriculum for students in third or fourth grade.
For the first time two different robots are required to solve a challenge. Students learn how to cooperate and find a common approach to the challenges and how to distribute their roles. Various robots are built, even a crane that loads a truck. Students use two sensors at the same time so that they find their target and find out whether their partner-robot is ready with their part of the challenge.
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Lesson 3 - Shipyard
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Crane robot is used to lift, move and load cargo on a cargo truck. There is a mechanism for grabbing a cargo load (eg a blue ball). Crone is also a tower crane and there are balancing wheels on the opposite site of the grabbing mechanism. It was an ultrasonic sensor.
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FLLCasts 5 day summer camp
FLLCasts 5 day summer camp is designed to engage students in STEM in a fun and entertaining way. The theme of the course is cooperation. Students will not only be introduced to the great world of robotics, while having a lot of fun, but they also have to work with other teams. This will be beneficial for their soft skills. During the 5 lessons students will build 5 different robots. From playing volleyball with robots, through playing the telephone game till launching paper planes!
Note that the course is still under development.
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This is the first lesson in which you will have to work with another pair of students. In each team of students one of the pairs will have to build the crane and the other one – the dump truck. The aim is to cooperate and the crane to load mineral resources in the dump truck which will have to transport them to the respective point.
Your first task will be to choose another pair of students you will work with.
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