Coin counter program
This program counts coins. It is meant to work with Scrooge McRobot. For it to count the coins correctly, you must change the coins border sizes to match the measurements of the coins that are being used.
- #udv6w2
- 17 May 2019
This program counts coins. It is meant to work with Scrooge McRobot. For it to count the coins correctly, you must change the coins border sizes to match the measurements of the coins that are being used.
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. This is a EV3 LEGO Mindstorms Project including the programs for controlling the WRO Football Striker and the WRO Football Goalkeeper, as well as all of the necessary My blocks.
This is the second program for the Watchtower Security Bot. These programs are meant to build on the security features the robot offers, and to return it to its starting condition afterbeing used. You can find the first program for this robot here.
A turtle robot with 2 sensors- ultrasonic and gyro, capable of following her course and navigating through anything. Just don't annoy it, or it will hide in its shell or even come and bite you.
WatchTower is a pretty self-explanatory robot. It detects intruders by sensing the vibrations they make while walking or digging beneath it. For this purpose, it uses a Gyro sensor, which could be incredibly sensitive under the right circumstances. The Ultrasonic sensor that sits on top of a medium motor starts locating the intruders when the Gyro sensor detects them.
Barco from spanish means boat.
The robot is made to look like a sail ship. The sails are made out of technic panels, attached in various ways to create the best look. Otherwise the robot uses two motors with tyres to move. At the back of the robot there is a Gyro sensor, which helps it maneuver.
This MyBlock is made in substitution for a regular wait-gyro-rate block. It is made with a filter so that big differences in sensor data don't show up as much. It also uses only absolute values of the data so negative or positive angle on the gyro sensor does not matter. The MyBlock ends, when the rate is below a certain value, which is inputed by a parameter.
By default the Gyro sensor is connected on port 2 but if your robot is different, make sure to change the blocks to suit it.
This robot was made to count coins. The door slides, making the gyro sensor rotate, and by doing that, allowing the robot to measure the size of the coin that enters the safe. By changing the points where the gyro's beam connects, the sensor's thresholds change.
This MyBlock waits for the color sensor to detect any color and returns the peak angle the gyro detected at that time. This program is meant to work with a coin counting robot named Scrooge McRobot.
Iknathir from armenian means aircraft carrier.
The robot is made to resemble an aircraft carrier. It shoots paper airplanes using two fast spinning wheels. The wheels are connected to a gear up mechanisms which are connected to two Large motors. The motors themselves are connected to a medium motor, which allows them to move towards and outwards the plane so when they reach it, they are spinning at full speed. The plane is placed on a runway which leads it to launch successfully. On the side of the robot, there is a lever with a gyro sensor, which is used to trigger the launching mechanism.
Uylam is a robot that simulates a stormy environment for its ship. It is made using two piston-like mechanisms powered by a Large motor and offset by 90 degrees to create shaking similar to that of big waves. The ship itself is made out of a medium motor on a turntable and a gyro sensor attached to them. The purpose of this is to explore what is the best position of a ship compared to the waves, so that it sustains the least amount of shaking.
Yolanda comes from the novel "Yolanda, the Black Corsair's Daughter" by Emilio Salgari.
The robot resembles a sailship with two masts. The mast in the back is connected to a medium motor, which allows it to rotate with some limits. The mast also has a gyro sensor in the back. These are placed so that the gyro sensor detects which way "the wind is blowing" and moves the sails that way. The second mast is connected to the first one so that it moves accordingly. The robot also uses two large motors to move.
Here is Iknathir - a LEGO Paper Plane Launcher. Just take a piece of paper, fold it to create a paper plane, place it on top of Iknathir, press the lever forward and the plane will be launched in the air. If you are not sure how to make a paper place, we got you covered! Just go to the following tutorial - How to make a simple paper plane. Feel free to experiment with the structure of the plane. How far can your plane go?
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. The Striker is a robot for handling the ball and attacking the goalkeeper.
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. This is the goal keeper.
Second part of the building instructions for this LEGO Mindstorms EV3 competition robot chassis
The kinesthetic and memory game works with a program you can download from here. In these instructions you will see the 7 modules from which it is built:
This robot is meant to be very modular and to enable its owner to upgrade it and modify it.
This program is a final version of the game played with EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game. In this game you are given a sequence of hints which you are expected to remember and to perform the right actions in the given order.
This project is for Gen - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 pedalo robot. The program makes the robot follow an imaginary school of fish. It utilizes the gyro sensor to turn the robot accurately, which is a hard task for this robot, because of its strange wheels. Also because of those wheels, the robot usually has a constant steer in one direction, which we correct using the steering block and giving it a steer in the opposite direction!
This program is for Uylam - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Steamship simulator robot. It is made as a lesson, to automatically find the best position for a ship in stormy weather, relative to the waves. The program has two parallel threads. The first one makes the robot move until the gyro sensor detects less amount of shaking done to the ship. Because of all the shaking, the readings of the gyro are all over the place and thats why we made a My Block, which acts like a filter, so that the readings are more accurate. The second thread starts the storm, which is controlled by a Large motor.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use any version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software!
This project is for Robotics Supreme - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 yacht robot. It contains three programs.
The first one follows a line using one color sensor and detects if the robot has been pushed. Then it plays an alarm and stops the program.
The second program makes the robot go in a square, using the gyro sensor wait-change block. This makes it one of the easiest square solutions there is.
The third program makes the robot follow a direction. That is accomplished similarly to the linefollowing, but instead it uses the gyro sensor and always follows a straight line.