With tutorials, courses and building instructions with gears you could learn how to use Gear Wheels, Warm Gears and Racks. Everything spins. With a few gear wheels you could make it spin faster or harder. Check out the examples of different constructions, robots and attachments that make use of gear wheels.

Scratch program for an active attachment form LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor, accomplishing Power Switch mission
Program for activating the active attachment using in FIRST LEGO League.
- #50rgwv
- 29 Apr 2022

Scratch program for a front-side-top attachment form LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor, accomplishing Power Switch mission
Use Scratch to activate the attachment that will accomplish the Power Switch mission
- #62ox4c
- 29 Apr 2022
Program for Swing Game - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot
This program makes Swing game - LEGO SPIKE Prime robot move the two people according to the input from the controllers!
The color sensor controller uses the colors on the plate above it to determine how to move the LEGO person. If the color is blue, it moves forward, if its purple, it moves backwards, otherwise - it stops!
The motor controller has a similar program, if it has turned more than 30 degrees forward, the LEGO person moves forward, if it has turned more than 30 degrees backward, the LEGO person moves backward, otherwise - it stops.
The goal of the game is for both LEGO people to reach the center, without the swing tipping to either side! Good luck and have fun!
- #q3ih0s
- 24 Jul 2020
Collecting object program
- #obrakw
- 27 Mar 2016
LEGO Catapult EV3-G program
- #6jfupy
- 25 Jan 2015
EV3-G Program for the Motor and Touch Sensor of the LEGO Catapult
This is an LEGO Mindstorms EV3-G program for the motor and touch sensor that we use for the LEGO Catapult
- #wmgkpn
- 25 Jan 2015
NXT-G program
NXT-G program for running the Catapult robot build from the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics set
- #v1idsq
- 18 Jan 2015