Program for measuring the volume of a room
These are a series of programs that measure the length and volume of a room. They are meant to work with the robot Voli.
- #6pvre1
- 10 May 2019
With the use of ultrasound the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 & NXT Ultrasonic sensors could detect the distance to an object. You can use it in many different ways most of them very interesting and fun. Some of them a little more challenging, but rewarding.
These are a series of programs that measure the length and volume of a room. They are meant to work with the robot Voli.
This program allows Radarford to measure the speed of oncoming cars, and control their speed. The Radarford instructions you can find here.
This is the second program for the Watchtower Security Bot. These programs are meant to build on the security features the robot offers, and to return it to its starting condition afterbeing used. You can find the first program for this robot here.
A collection of MyBlocks, that help you use the Turtle robot. The MyBlocks used are the following:
FollowCourse: Makes the turtle rotate, until it reaches the course it uses. If it's already on it, this MyBlock makes the turtle go forward. It uses the power you set it on.
PickNewCourse: Makes the turtle pick a new course.
HideInShell: Makes the turtle hide in its shell for the designated amount of seconds.
CurrentAndDesiredCourse: Displays the Current course and the course it wants on the display of the robot.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use any version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
A program for one of the scariest robots ever - Mantissa.
A program, that makes the Turtle follow a designated course and get back to it, even if it's been manually rotated. It also hides in its shell when it sees anything close to it.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
The programs are designed to be used with Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot.The project consists of several programs:
EV3-G program for following and object with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots
Program developed with EV3-G for stop and Move with the Ultrasonic Sensor
EV3-G program for using the ultrasonic sensor and detecting objects with it.