Python demo program to use Distance sensor and control car motors.
Part of the Perfect STEM course, you should have a Raspberry Pi and a HC-SR04 distance sensor connected to 5V, GPIO 5, GPIO 6 and GND.
- #h5egq9
- 20 Apr 2018
Part of the Perfect STEM course, you should have a Raspberry Pi and a HC-SR04 distance sensor connected to 5V, GPIO 5, GPIO 6 and GND.
Part of the Perfect STEM course, you should have a Raspberry Pi, a button connected on GPIO 26 and 3.3V, and two motors connected to GPIO 27, GPIO 22, GPIO 23 and GPIO 24.
Part of the perfect STEM course, this program needs a Raspberry Pi, a button connected on GPIO 26 and 3.3V, and an LED connected to GPIO 18.
Part of the Perfect STEM course, you should have a Raspberry Pi and an LED connected on GPIO 18 for this example to work.