Nightbeast FLL Program Run 5
The program that Nightbeast team use for their second Run in FLL Into Orbit Challange. In this run they solve Mission 11–Escape Velocity and Mission 13–Observatory.
- #u86d31
- 27 May 2019
The program that Nightbeast team use for their second Run in FLL Into Orbit Challange. In this run they solve Mission 11–Escape Velocity and Mission 13–Observatory.
This program demonstrates how to use a tree of switches to recognise a pattern and offers a unique password protection for each one of them vie special MyBlock, that can be copied for every new added user.
This program is for Frog Bot - LEGO Mindstorms Robot that could jump. The program makes the robot move like a toy car with a wind up mechanism. It starts by waiting for three seconds, when you should turn the legs of the frog by hand backward. Then it makes a sound, and the robot starts jumping forward, as much as you have wound it up. The program uses motor rotation sensor to know how much it was wound up.
This program is for Susan and Mark - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 T-Rex chasing a car. The program makes the T-Rex wait for the car to reach a certain speed, and then attack it. This is made to resemble the T-Rex's said inability to see slow moving things. The goal of the program is to get the car's cable to stretch, while moving it by hand, when its wheels are turning and without the T-Rex noticing. The detection is made using the current power option on the motor rotation sensor.
This program counts coins. It is meant to work with Scrooge McRobot. For it to count the coins correctly, you must change the coins border sizes to match the measurements of the coins that are being used.
This MyBlock waits for the color sensor to detect any color and returns the peak angle the gyro detected at that time. This program is meant to work with a coin counting robot named Scrooge McRobot.
This program is for Midas - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Clam robot. It makes the clam robot detect when it is being opened and then to close itself. It utilizes the rotation sensor as a way to know if it is being forced and to know when it should stop closing afterwards.
This project is for Barco - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 sailboat robot. The project includes two programs.
The first program makes the robot go in a square shape, using the gyro sensor for better accuracy. The second program makes it go in a triangle, again, using the gyro sensor. These programs are a great way to learn how to use the gyro sensor.
This project is for Piscis - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Fish robot. The project includes two programs for two different feeding spots for the fish. The first one is straight across the reef in which Piscis lives, and the second one is to the side, after a 90 degree turn. In those programs the fish robot has to wait a few times in order to be sure no sharks are around him. It detects feeding spots using a touch sensor. The interesting part is how it returns, without knowledge how far it has gone. The program uses motor rotation sensor in order to return to the reef in both cases.
This program is for Antares - a simple LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Scorpion robot. The program uses rotation sensor to detect if the scorpion has caught anything using its claws. We predict how many degrees the claw has to move to close fully and if it hasn't done that many, it has caught something.
This project is for Lintu - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Kiwi bird robot. The project includes three programs, the first is the main program for the robot. It goes forward until it sees a hand next to its beak, then closes it and returns to the starting point, its nest. The second program is an upgrade: the robot not only closes its beak, but also check if there is "food" in it. Both the checking for food and the returning to starting position are made using the motor rotation sensor.
The last program is a fun one. It makes the robot bite!
These are a series of programs that measure the length and volume of a room. They are meant to work with the robot Voli.
This MyBlock is made in substitution for a regular wait-gyro-rate block. It is made with a filter so that big differences in sensor data don't show up as much. It also uses only absolute values of the data so negative or positive angle on the gyro sensor does not matter. The MyBlock ends, when the rate is below a certain value, which is inputed by a parameter.
By default the Gyro sensor is connected on port 2 but if your robot is different, make sure to change the blocks to suit it.
This is a program for the Sebastian crab robot. It makes the robot walk, but also keeps track of where its legs are. It makes those who overrun the others to stop and wait for them.
This program allows Radarford to measure the speed of oncoming cars, and control their speed. The Radarford instructions you can find here.
A robot that can be an ATM or smart lock with color code. The programs pull in and push out the color card and play sounds if the colors are in correct order. When the order is incorrect, you hear an error sound.
The robot takes place in lesson 7 of level 3.0 Security Systems.
This program lets the robot Safe be opened with a password, and demonstrates how passwords can be stolen.