Programs -
Distance to the wall
- NXT-G source code of a program that shows on the screen the distance to the wall in centimeters;
- #p9nrtc
- 30 May 2013
Smile Face
- NXT-G source code of program that draws a smile face on the brick's screen.
- #5trq4v
- 30 May 2013
Say the color
- download the source of a program that tells the color the robot is seeing.
- #l4f29y
- 12 May 2013
- download the whole program for solving the medicine mission from the 2012 FLL competition Senior Solutions.
- #1gozbj
- 12 Apr 2013
Gear attachment
- download building instructions for the gear attachment. Note that you will need both LEGO Digital Designer and LDView to open the instructions. There are limitations in the LDD software and for the .ldr file in the archive you should use LDView installed along with LDraw
- #atvld4
- 12 Apr 2013
Programmatic Calibration with NXT-G
Program for calibrating including the DisplayLightSensor block
- #zj8pld
- 10 Apr 2013
Display Light Sensor
Program for displaying the value of the sensor on the screen
- #9ukctp
- 10 Apr 2013
Menu myBlock
- download and import the whole Menu myBlock. It might require you to modify it so that it fits to your needs. Any comments on modifications you have made are really welcome.
- #e6qvx1
- 24 Mar 2013
Menu Implementation with NXT-G
- The source code of the Menu written in NXT-G. Download and run it.
- #eiw26v
- 15 Mar 2013
Go Forward Turn Around Go Back With One Motor
Example of making turn using only one motor
- #956zhq
- 08 Feb 2013