LEGO Mindstorms Grabber v2
This is version 2 of the LEGO Mindstorms Grabber. It makes use of 4 gears to make both levers active.
- #422
- 01 Apr 2017
This is version 2 of the LEGO Mindstorms Grabber. It makes use of 4 gears to make both levers active.
Some say it is cute, other say it is scary, but that's the way bunnies are. You never know if you are dealing with a cute little rabbit or a monster trying to destroy the universe as we know it.. you know, bunnies. This SPIKE bunny was designed by Ahmad Sahar and the building instructions were inspired by this video. and prepared by FLLCasts team as 3D building instructions.
This is a Garbage container and it is fun. As all garbage containers it has only three wheels as one of the wheels is missing. You can also see how one of the wheels is a little different and broken to the side. Like all garbage containers.
The container is useful to play and put things inside.
Suitable for children 6-10 years old. Construct the Garbage Container and leave it for a week for the children to play with. They will spend at least an hour playing with it during the week
This module is meant to be used in EV3 Kinesthetic and Memory Game and is attached to the base of the robot. This module uses the color sensor to detect the colors on its wheel.
Winter might be far away or it might just be coming - depending of course on where you are in the world. But you can always spend a few hours having fun with a LEGO Mindstorms Snowmobile. A really challenging construction that requires good preparation, concentration and a lot of efforts to complete. Same is going to the mountain in the winter. But the reward at the end is worth it.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot base. The attachment of the motors is quite interesting. We follow the angles of LEGO technic to attach them. This construction has some difficulties turning to the left and to the right. But if you have to take on an obstacle that high this is one of the options.
You can use all kinds of wheels on this robot - EV3, NXT or others. It doesn't actually matter.
Big Wheelster, as his name suggests, is a robot with a big wheel! The Big Wheel is made out of the SPIKE Prime Baseplates. The robot also has an interesting steering mechanism! At the front we have added a touch sensor, to detect an obstacle and hopefully avoid it.
Chronos means time in Greek.
What's the time? Time to build a cool robot! This robot is made to look like a clock. The two hands are each connected to a motor and are positioned between the two motors. This makes it simple to build, while also being effective in showing how a clock works.
An example program moving the seconds and minutes hands of the clock can be found here.
An example program designed to teach children to read the clock can be found here.
A hand driven Ferris wheel for a cascades. Something like the famous Ferris wheel scene from Le boulet movie.
Or create a story like... Where the chicken fight two hunters and blows them away with explosion so powerful that the shock wave blow away the chicken to the top of the highest cabin and the hunters are blown away that far they are missing in the thumb nail! Or ... Yea, I remember a story ...
Just open your mind for the most strange and unusual story you can think of.
Weekly playtime with a good story: About ~2-3 hours
This is a gun which is build from EV3 Lego Mindstorms set. It can load small EV3 Beams and shoot them.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Multi-axles mechanism
"Do. Or do not. There is no try!"
You probably remember this famous line spoken by Yoda in the film "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back". We've created FREE 3D and animated building instructions of LEGO's Star Wars "The Child (75318)" build-and-display model. Except the obvious cuteness overload, we did our best to create the 3D steps in the easiest way possible, so you DO manage to build "Baby Yoda" successfully, because trying is not an option. Fun you shall have, in 3D you shall build! Ready to go?
To embed this instruction on your website visit it at (buildin3d.com)Swing game is a SPIKE Prime robot that is a game played by two people. The goal of the game is for both LEGO people to reach the center of the swing, without it tipping over on either side. The LEGO poeple are placed on motors, connected to two technic gear racks, that move along the swing. The motors are moved by two controllers, one using a color sensor and one using a Large motor. If one of the LEGO people moves too far without the other doing the same, the swing will tip and game over! Good luck and have fun!
This robot is made to serve the best tea in the whole continent! It is based on the Easy Bot from EV3. As its predecessor it is based on LEGO Mindstorms EV3. It uses two large motors to move around. The best part of the robot is the cup holder, that has a cool cup that shows the KISS principle.
Building instruction for both EV3 and NXT. The whole catapult is build in exactly 78 steps.
Containers mission models reworked from a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 version available at 778-containers-mission-models-fllcasts-off-season-challenge-2019 to a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime version available in this material. In 3D building instructions for you to construct them.
Pallo, from ancient Greek, means to throw or to hurl, which is a part of the modern name "catapult".
Pallo is a robot made of two parts. The first part of the robot is the catapult! It has no electronic parts and uses two rubber bands to shoot a projectile to the second part. The second part is the target. It has a color sensor, which through a piston with different colored sections, determines how accurately the target has been hit! Good luck with the shooting!
This robot is a spin-off of the Useless machine built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3. This robots mission is to be the last to press the button it holds.
Motivated by the five-minute robot, this robot has its own rails!