Building Instructions -

FLL 2022: Collect and pull attachment to accomplish the M4, M5 and M10 and partilly M3 and M12 missions-simultaneously
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly two more missions from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot
- #1714
- 09 Apr 2024

FLL 2022: Bag 06 - Instructions for Hybrid Car Mission Model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Challenge
The Hybrid car and the Ramp are part of mission 6 from FLL 2022. Find the parts in Bag 6 and assembly the model following this 3D building instructions
- #1542
- 09 Aug 2022

FLL 2022: Bag 11 - Instructions for M11 Hyrdoelectric dam - FIRSTLEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
3D Building instructions for the FIRSTLEGO League 2022 mission model called Hydroelectric dam. Find the parts in Bag 11
- #1580
- 09 Aug 2022

FLL 2022: Bag 10 - Instructinos for M10 Power plant - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
3D building instructions for the Power plant mission model from the FIRST LEGO League 2022 SUPERPOWERED competition. Find the parts in Bag 10
- #1581
- 09 Aug 2022

FLL 2022: Bag 2 - Instructions for M03 Energy Storage - FIRSTLEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
3D instructions for the Energy Storage mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 mission model. Parts are in Bag 4 from the set
- #1537
- 09 Aug 2022

Side attachment from LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor, with building instructions
This reusable attachment could easily be placed on the side of a LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor robot and accomplish different missions that require the robot to interact with mission models. It uses gear wheels.
- #1456
- 29 Apr 2022

Bag 3 - Bench - FIRST LEGO League 2020-2021 RePLAY
These are instructions on how to build the:
- Bench
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
- #1082
- 31 Aug 2020

Bird Beak from LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This module is made to look and move like the beak of a bird! It uses two technic steering links powered by a medium motor to close and open! It can be combined with other modules to make the best bird robot! This module is a part of Lintu - a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Kiwi bird robot.
- #965
- 24 Jan 2020

Ball Cannon from LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This is a mechanical cannon that uses the mechanical strain on the plastic LEGO beams to shoot a ball. Because of that the Ball size is very important. It is made to work with standard balls for a ball pool and even better with 41250 52mm LEGO Ball. The mechanism is powered by an EV3 Large motor.
- #969
- 24 Jan 2020

Pesho Bot With Two Bars Lifting Mechanism from VEX IQ
This is the good not so old Pesho Bot Chassis with a "two bars" lifting mechanism and a hand. It can be build with any set. Only the omni-wheels are extra, but what is a good robot without an omni-wheels.
The program for this robot is at programs/a6hrcz-pesho-bot-with-two-bars-lifting-mechanism-controls-with-modkit
- #583
- 12 Dec 2018
- 1

Datalog of the Gyro sensor when moving forward and keeping the orientation straight
The data log from the experiment when moving forward and keeping straight with an implementation for Proportional compensation.
- #389
- 10 Jan 2018
- 1

Coach Pins, Penalties and Meteoroids For FLL 2018 Into Orbit Challenge
FIRST® LEGO® League mission requirements need to be achieved by your robot through its programs and its use of equipment. You’re allowed to hand-rescue your robot, but that does cause this penalty. Be sure to pay extra attention to the rules where they talk about “Interruptions"
- If you interrupt the robot: minus 3 each time
- Possible penalty totals: −18, −15, −12, −9, −6, −3, 0
Scoring Requirements
- Interruption needs to be observed by the referee.
- Upon penalty, the referee will place one penalty disc in the southeast triangle as a permanent interruption marker.
- You can get up to six such penalties.
- If a penalty disc comes off the triangle, it is simply returned, with no effect on score.
(mission descriptions source
- #540
- 01 Jan 2016

FLL 2022: An attachment to solve M02, M06, M14, and M15-missions simultaneously from FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Competition
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly one more mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot. It solve mission 6 - HYBRID CAR, mission 14 - TOY FACTORY and mission 15 - RECHARGEABLE BATTERY. It partially solves mission 2 - OIL PLATFORM.
- #1859
- 21 May 2024

FLL 2023: Bag 12 - Instructions for Craft Creator - FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE
These are 3D Building Instructions for the Craft Creator mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.
- #1676
- 09 Aug 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M15 Load Cargo attachment
This is an active attachment with gears built from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robotics set. The goal is to do a precise drop. The attachment could be used for both cargo items.
- #1522
- 18 Apr 2023

FLL 2022: Bag 05 - Instructions for Smart Grid Mission Model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Challenge
The orange connector is part of the Smart Grid mission. These are 3D building instructions for the mission model. Parts are located in Bag 5
- #1538
- 09 Aug 2022

FLL2022: Bag 3 - Instruction for Fuel Truck mission model - FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED
- #1539
- 09 Aug 2022

Drop attachment with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor, with buidling instructions
This attachment demonstrates the principle of dropping a part inside a container. It uses parts only from the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 51515 set. The goal of the attachment is to release a lever that is holding the wheel.
- #1490
- 29 Apr 2022