LEGO Mindstorms Grabber
Building instructions for the most simple grabber using just one Large EV3 LEGO motor. It has one static lever and one active lever.
- #421
- 01 May 2017
Building instructions for the most simple grabber using just one Large EV3 LEGO motor. It has one static lever and one active lever.
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms attachment using Rubber Bands
This module is made as a grabber that uses a cool mechanism to catch things vertically. It is powered by a medium motor. The grabber is used in Earl Bot - Grabbing and Clearing LEGO Mindstorms Robot without wheels.
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
We've separated the BigDaddy robot into a few smaller modules. This teaches modularity and gives you the option to reuse some of the modules and to look at specific modules.
Mintonette comes from the first iteration of Volleyball with the same name.
The robot uses two EV3 Touch sensors to control the turret left and right. It uses the EV3 Color sensor to trigger the shooting mechanism, which consists of an EV3 Large motor which pulls a lever to shoot a ball.
This is a self aligning passive attachment for rendezvous and meeting between the tube module and the habitation hub.
The program for this attachment is Self Aligning Module Attacher for M06 - Space Station Modules.
There is another program at Self Aligning Module Attacher for M06 - Space Station Modules - another program.
This is a ping-ball containing attachment for a World Robotics Olympiad. The attachment is building with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts. It is tiltel so that it is easier for the balls to fall off at certain points, which was part of the missions at the 2015 cmpetition.
This is the attachment of Team "Nightbeast", with which they :
1. Eject the 2x4 Brick by placing a Regolith Core Sample into the 3D Printer.
2. Crater Crossing
3. Tries to score a meteoroid( tries to shoot a ball)
From missions M03,M04 and M014 from FLL Into Orbit Challange
A chassis built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts designed for World Robotics Olympiad
This attachment presents a way to mechanically align the robot to a mission model and solves the Cloud mission from FLL 2014.
This frame holds the motor and ev3 brick used in the catapult. The frame is placed on top of the rotating base and thus could be easily rotated. The brick could be both NXT and EV3
The Laboratory is a robot that tests your programming skills. You will have to measure the volume of a balloon, only by the values you receive from the sensors.
It has a valve, that allows you to deflate your balloon at different rates.
How to place the balloon in the robot is explained in this tutorial.
This is a module containing two sets of three legs to make the ideal hexapod insect! The two sets are each powered by a large EV3 motor which are connected in various ways to the three legs to move them like a real bug! You can combine this module with others to build a bug robot.
Building instructions for the catapult that could be placed over the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Brick. The idea of the catapult it to throw objects. The fact that it is over the brick makes it very convenient to place the motors below the brick and to use the Catapult.
This robot construction itself was used in the FIRST LEGO League Senior Solutions competition
If you take a look at the videos for this attachment you will see a nice idea on taking the track and the ambulance. These two vehicles from the FIRST LEGO League 2013 competition had to be collected and returned back to base.
Built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms Catapult Motor and Touch Sensor that are used for triggers for firing objects
This is a module that is made to look like a polar bear head, but really it could be used for many animals. It uses a medium motor to bite and an ultrasonic sensor for eyes. We have labeled it a polar bear head, because it is used in Polar Bear - LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot that looks like a polar bear.