Box Robot Two for LEGO Mindstorms Competitions
Building instructions for a competition robot following the "Box robot" principle. The robot is built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and could be used at FLL and WRO.
- #257
- 07 Nov 2016
- 4
These are all the robot building instructions. By visiting each building instruction you could see the Tutorials and Courses and Lessons in which it is used.
Building instructions for a competition robot following the "Box robot" principle. The robot is built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and could be used at FLL and WRO.
This is a frame for the SUV Box Robot. Tis frame is an adapter between the robot and the attachments. You can add-in several attachments on it and mount them on the robot simultaneously with one movement.
The frame has two locks that make the attachments stick to the robot. Also the front Knobs must not be used for very powerful activities due to jumpings, unless the frame with attachments become heavy enough to prevent any jumping of the frame.
When you need a LEGO robot attachment to lift heavy things on the competition field. Probably at FIRST LEGO League or World Robotics Olympiad. This attachment uses 4-5 gear wheels to lift a heavy object.
Build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
Robot attachment that shows you how a circular motion could be transferred to linear by using a gear and a rack. The final motion is for pushing and pulling things.
The attachment could be built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT parts.
Instructions for a simple Crane construction built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set. In order to operate properly, you need to add weight at the back of the jib. The most interesting part of the robot is the design of its hand, so examine it closely.
A robot attachment placed on the right side of the LEGO Mindstorms Box robot chassis. It uses two gear wheel to move a level. The level could collect things.
Attachment used to transfer the motion from the motor from a vertical axle to a horizontal axle. Uses two gear wheels. Could be built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits.
Here is an example of Four(4) active LEGO Mindstorms attachments built-in the frame. Two by two they work asynchronously since all of them are connected to the two separate middle motors of the SUV robot via the frame.
The left attachments work synchronously, and the right attachments are also synchronized couple.
These specific attachments are meant to do nothing in particular, but to serve as an example. Their purpose is to demonstrate different ways in which one could add an attachments to the frame. Experiment. Think and invent better frame with real world attachments that could actually do efficient work and accomplish a mission. Take a video then and share it with us.
This robot attachment shows you how to limit the rotation of a lever. It uses two gear wheels to transfer the motion on 90 degrees.
It could be built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT versions. Most of the time during competitions like FIRST LEGO League and World Robotics Olympiad you need a lever for just a limited motion
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Catapult. The robot has a motor, a clutch to control it for manual shooting and a touch sensor for automatic loading. The bottom base is removed which means the Catapult could not be turned around. Nevertheless, the baseless robot is small enough to be built in class.
Building instructions for a robot for the World Robotics Olympiad Sputnik competition. This is the light version without the lift at the top.
Francesco 2 is inspired by the robot Francesco.
Building instructions for a simple car using an EV3 Large motor for turning the front wheels and EV3 medium motor with differential for driving the rear wheels. Differently, from Francesco, Francesco 2 has space where a locking mechanism is meant to be built for the differential.
The CubeHunter uses the ultrasonic sensor to detect a ball or cube. Next, the robot catches it and reads the colour of the object using the EV3 colour sensor. The building instructions are suitable for classes with students and if you are working alone at home.
This is a Camel-like robot. We demonstrate an interesting use of gears to make the Camel walk. Fun and entertaining way to learn how to transform motion.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 active attachment for changing gears orientations. This is the third attachment from the series.
For the FIRST LEGO League 2016-2017 Animal Allies we prepared an attachment for lifting the robot. The idea of the attachment is to show how you could lift the whole robot with a system of gear wheels, levers, and scissors constructions.
Built mainly from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts but could probably be constructed from NXT sets.
This is the third version of the LEGO Mindstorms Grabber. This time we use a LEGO EV3 Medium motor and worm gear to make the two levers move smoothly and symmetrically.
This is a simple LEGO Gear System with a ration of 1:5. When the large wheel rotates 1 time the small wheel will rotate 5 times.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Active attachment for changing gear orientations
Building instructions for a simple car using an EV3 Large motor for turning the front wheels and EV3 medium motor with differential for driving the rear wheels.