Pinless Rubber Band attachment for solving the Oven
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms attachment using Rubber Bands
- #156
- 19 Jul 2015
- 1
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms attachment using Rubber Bands
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
This is a self aligning passive attachment for rendezvous and meeting between the tube module and the habitation hub.
The program for this attachment is Self Aligning Module Attacher for M06 - Space Station Modules.
There is another program at Self Aligning Module Attacher for M06 - Space Station Modules - another program.
This is a ping-ball containing attachment for a World Robotics Olympiad. The attachment is building with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts. It is tiltel so that it is easier for the balls to fall off at certain points, which was part of the missions at the 2015 cmpetition.
This attachment is part of a second version of attachments for accomplishing the M07, M08 and M15 where we have to push and collect in the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 competition. It is for the Kriket Box Robot and we are doing this second version to make sure there are enough examples of how to use the Kriket box robot.
The interesting part about this attachment is how it connects to the robot. The Kriket has two brown axles that are connected to the motors via a gear mechanism. The attachment is attached to these brown axles which transfer the motor movement to the attachment.
This is the third type of an active geared attachment. "Active" means that is is power by a motor. "Geared" means that it uses gears. "Reusable" means that you can easily extend the attachment with additional parts - eg - you can reuse it. It shows a basic principle of how power is transferred between different axles that have different orientation in space - like when one of the axles is horizontal and the other is vertical. It's built with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts and could be used in competitions in robotics like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad and others. It's designed for Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions. Check the courses in which this attachment is used for more information and tutorials on how to use it.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M06 mission with the Whakatae. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial to do.
This is the attachment of Team "Nightbeast", with which they :
1. Eject the 2x4 Brick by placing a Regolith Core Sample into the 3D Printer.
2. Crater Crossing
3. Tries to score a meteoroid( tries to shoot a ball)
From missions M03,M04 and M014 from FLL Into Orbit Challange
This attachment presents a way to mechanically align the robot to a mission model and solves the Cloud mission from FLL 2014.
An attachment designed for Heavy lifting. It's build with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 51515 and it has a gear wheels mechanism that allows you to increase the torque and lift really heavy things. Build the attachment and check out the tutorial. This will teach you one more principle that you could use for FIRST LEGO League competitions.
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition. But after the competition we try to make a review and to see how we could have accomplish it. Our goal is to be better for next year.
This robot is quite powerful. The attachment mechanism on the front is one of a kind as it can do several things with a single motor: it can lift, it can unlock, it can grab. All of this thanks to the unique mechanism of gears
Building instructions for the catapult that could be placed over the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Brick. The idea of the catapult it to throw objects. The fact that it is over the brick makes it very convenient to place the motors below the brick and to use the Catapult.
This robot construction itself was used in the FIRST LEGO League Senior Solutions competition
If you take a look at the videos for this attachment you will see a nice idea on taking the track and the ambulance. These two vehicles from the FIRST LEGO League 2013 competition had to be collected and returned back to base.
Built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
This is a heavy lifting attachment and it can lift mission models vertically. It is build entirely from LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 51515 parts. This is one of the more complex and interesting attachments that we demonstrate in the course and it show how a few gear wheels and levers could be used to change the motion from circular to linear. This is powerful concept that could be very valuable during FIRST LEGO League competitions.
This is the attachment of Team "Nightbeast", with which they do:
M11–Escape Velocity and M13–Observatory
The Observatory result depends on the model. Sometimes the pointer is in the orange area otherwise in the white area.
This attachment was intended for and tested on the Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot. It is meant to help the robot complete the 5th mission of the FLL Cargo Connect competition.
This is the second type of an active geared attachment. "Active" means that is is power by a motor. "Geared" means that it uses gears. "Reusable" means that you can easily extend the attachment with additional parts - eg - you can reuse it. It shows a basic principle of how power is transferred between different axles that have different orientation in space- like when one of the axles is horizontal and the other is vertical. It's built with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts and could be used in competitions in robotics like FIRST LEGO League/World Robotics Olympiad and others. It's designed for Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions. Check the courses in which this attachment is used for more information and tutorials on how to use it.
This attachment was intended for and tested on the Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot. It is meant to help the robot complete the 3rd mission of the FLL Cargo Connect competition.