An attachment to accomplish M03, M11, and M12 simultaneously from FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Competition
- #1774
- 01 Nov 2024
These are all the robot building instructions. By visiting each building instruction you could see the Tutorials and Courses and Lessons in which it is used.
This attachment is accomplishing three missions from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot
This attachment is part of a second version of attachments for accomplishing the M07, M08 and M15 where we have to push and collect in the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 competition. It is for the Kriket Box Robot and we are doing this second version to make sure there are enough examples of how to use the Kriket box robot.
The interesting part about this attachment is how it connects to the robot. The Kriket has two brown axles that are connected to the motors via a gear mechanism. The attachment is attached to these brown axles which transfer the motor movement to the attachment.
This is an attachment for accomplishing missions from FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED competition. We use this attachment additionally to another one that you can see the the lessons for this attachment. The goal is to execute the actions of Push and Collect, and this is the perfect passive attachment for this.
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly two more missions from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly one more mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot. It solve mission 6 - HYBRID CAR, mission 14 - TOY FACTORY and mission 15 - RECHARGEABLE BATTERY. It partially solves mission 2 - OIL PLATFORM.
This is an attachment for the Kriket Box robot that accomplishes multiple missions. The missions are connected with Push and Collect actions and are from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED competition. The attachment is a little different than the recording because we improved it a little after that
This attachment is a great example for a precise drop attachment. It is designed for the Kriket Box Robot and accomplishes the M14 Toy Factory mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED competition.
This is a Kriket box robot attachment used for pushing a lever and precisely dropping energy units. It is used for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED mission call M03 Energy storage and M11 Hydroelectric Dam. This is a multi-purpose attachment that can do more than one thing at a time.
This is an attachment for the Chain Monster robot and it accomplished three missions that are all push and deliver. It technically is not used for the M09 dinosaur toy, but this is because the toy is on the robot while the attachment is below the robot
We use this positioning attachment with the Kriket box robot and it's run of five missions in a row
This is an alternative mission model for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Hybrid Car mission model. It is alternative as you only need LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts to build it and you don't need the real parts from the real competition
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED build only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model that could be built from parts available in the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime set. Use the model to learn how to accomplish missions like this.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 M11 Hydroelectric Dam mission model. It is a rather complex mission model as it requires the robot to accomplish actions like Lever, Hang, Lift. At the same time it is quite fun.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.