FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED solutions and review with Kriket Box robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime



How to use this course

Accomplish M08 Television. Push with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M07 Wind Turbine. Push with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M15 Rechargeable Battery. Collect with Kriket box robot

Accomplish together - M08, M07, M15 with Kriket box robot

Overview of M08, M15, M07 - Push and Collect with Kriket Box Robot. Second version.

Accomplish M08 Television. Second version of Push with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M15 Rechargeable Battery. Second version of collect with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M07 Wind Turbine. Second version of push with Kriket box robot

Accomplish together - M08, M15, M07 second version with Kriket box robot

Overview of M14, M05, M06, M04, M09 - Drop, Pull, Lever, Collect, Deliver - 5 missions with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M14 - Precise drop with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M05 - Pull with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M06 Hybrid Car - Lever with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M04 Solar Farm - Collect with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M09 Dinosaur Toy - Deliver with Kriket box robot

Accomplish together - M14, M05, M06, M04, M09 with Kriket box robot

Overview of M02, M03, M11 - Pull, Lever, Lift, Drop - 3 missions with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M11 Hydroelectic Dam - Lever with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M02 Oil Platform - Lift with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M03 Energy storage part 1 - Drop with Kriket box robot

Accomplish M03 Energy storage part 2 - Drop with Kriket box robot

Accomplish together - M11, M02, M03 missions with Kriket box robot

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