Video tutorials
VEX EDR Intro. Task for moving in a polygon
The more advanced task is to more in a polygon. This would require calculating the degree of each of the turns and RobotC is a language in which you could implement this math calculation very easily.
- #341
- 15 Apr 2017
VEX EDR Intro. Task for implementing a Triangle and other geometric figures.
In this tutorial, we set the task of implementing another figure with the robot - a triangle.
- #340
- 14 Apr 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Declaring a loop and implementing a square with this loop
The previous tutorial showed you how to copy/paste instructions in RobotC. The current video will introduce you to loops.
- #339
- 13 Apr 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Move and turn and repeat 4 times
We start with the previous program where we made the robot move forward and turn. We continue in this tutorial with repeating the same RobotC instructions four times. Our goal is to make the robot move in a square.
- #338
- 12 Apr 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Move and turn. Prepare for implementing a square
To prepare the robot to move in a square and to use a loop in the program we would first make this VEX EDR robot move forward and turn, using a program developed with RobotC.
- #337
- 11 Apr 2017
VEX EDR Intro. Introducing loops - the correct way to repeat some code a number of times
In this tutorial we would introduce you to the concept of loops using this VEX EDR Robot. As a final result we would have a program that makes the robot move in a square and not by repeating the same instructions for move and turn four different times.
- #336
- 10 Apr 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Experiment with values for turning the VEX robot a number of degrees.
Where is the math while turning? Is there any math involved? Should there be?
- #335
- 27 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Arc turn with the VEX robot
The next important step when turning with a robot is to learn how to do an Arc turn.
- #334
- 26 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Spin with the VEX robot. Spin right
Spinning with the VEX EDR robot involves the use of both motors. The left and the right. Every robot with wheels could spin and this makes not exceptions.
- #333
- 25 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Turn right with the VEX robot
How does this construction of VEX EDR turn? It has two motors. Let's start with turning right
- #332
- 24 Mar 2017
VEX EDR Intro. Introduction to turns
With this video tutorial, we start with Turns with the VEX EDR robot.
- #331
- 23 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Move forward and backward with the VEX motors
In this episode we combine in a single program the previous two programs for moving forward and backward.
- #330
- 04 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Move backward. Set the VEX motors with minus power
Now that we know how to make the robot move forward let's see we can make it move backward.
- #329
- 03 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Successful move forward and use of the "wait" function
In the RobotC software we could make the robot wait for a couple of seconds by using the wait function. This will give the motors a chance to work and this will actually move the robot.
- #328
- 02 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Try to move forward & backward. First try. Unsuccessful.
We are ready to build the first program for moving the robot forward and backward. We learn how to build simple programs for moving the program. But it is not that easy...downloading to the robot does not always result in the robot moving.
- #327
- 01 Mar 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Configure VEX motors in RobotC programming software
The comunication between the motors and the controller should be configured in the RobotC software. Each motor could be connected on a different port and the goal of the video is to show you how.
- #326
- 28 Feb 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Connect VEX motors to the Cortex controller. Use the motor drivers/controllers.
Conenct the motors of the VEX EDR motor to the VEX Corted Controller. For connecting we need the motor drivers.
- #325
- 27 Feb 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Install and configure RobotC software
After we've download the software we must install it and most importantly configure it. Without propertly configuring the software it would be difficult to use the Cortex Controller.
- #359
- 21 Feb 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Register and download the RobotC software
To control the VEX Cortex controller we must use a software. In this episode we would download the software from the VEX site. Strange thing is that you must select your region correctly even if you are not in this region
- #358
- 21 Feb 2017

VEX EDR Intro. Unpacking the set. What's included.
Unpacking the VEX EDR set and learning the names of the different parts included in the set
- #357
- 21 Feb 2017