The comunication between the motors and the controller should be configured in the RobotC software. Each motor could be connected on a different port and the goal of the video is to show you how.
- #326
- 28 Feb 2017
- 2:49
Mainly the configuration is from the menu. We select the "Motor and Sensor Setup" button. In the Motors tab se select the type of motors that we have. We have VEX_393 motor, but you might have a different motor.
One of the motors should be set to "Reverse" because of the construction that we made. In our case this is the motor on port 2
Name of the motors
It is a good practice to name your motor. "Left", "Right" are good names for the motors depending on the position of the motor.
After we attach the motors to the controller we must configure the controller in the software. Let's see how we do this.
We start the ROBOTC program as you've seen in previous videos and in this menu here we have a button 'Motor and Sensor Setup'. We click on this and here we have all the different taps. Currently the tap that's called 'Motor' is selected. And we have our motors connected on port 2 and port 3. And on port 2 we must select the motor that we have currently. We have motors 'VEX 393 Motor'. And this is the motor that we have. So, you might have different motors just check them and see which motors you have. Then select them and now you have the configuration for the software. But if you click 'okay' now you'd miss one important part. And this is the way our construction is constructed. We must have one of the motors in reverse. And the motor that we chose to have in reverse is the motor connected on port 2. In a moment when I have the motor on the camera I'll show you further why we have this motor in reverse. Then we click 'okay'. And this is the configuration that we need to do. A couple of other things for the configurations as you see here we have some magic numbers and some configurations. We can click on this, double click. And we have the same window open. And here we can even give a name for our motors for example 'left_motor' is the motor connected on port 2. And 'right_motor' is the motor connected on port 3. 'Okay' and now we have the configurations for 'left_motor' on port 2 and 'right_motor' on port 3. And we have the types of the two robots. Go and configure this for your robot so that we can continue further.
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VEX EDR introductory course
Designed to get students started with VEX EDR and RobotC. The robotics set is not very easy to use and offers its challenges. In the course we take a step-by-step approach to moving, turning and using sensors. A big part of the course is about programming and using the RobotC software for the Cortext controller.
This course is still under development and constantly change and extended.
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Move your VEX robot forward/backward
Let's move with the VEX EDR robot using its motors, the wheels and some RobotC programming. We devide the program in three parts - Connect the motors, program the controller and turning.
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- 3d_rotation 0