Как работи сензорът за разстояние
Как сензорът за разстояние измерва разстоянието? Сега ще разберете!
- #2218
- 24 Jul 2024
With the use of ultrasound the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 & NXT Ultrasonic sensors could detect the distance to an object. You can use it in many different ways most of them very interesting and fun. Some of them a little more challenging, but rewarding.
Как сензорът за разстояние измерва разстоянието? Сега ще разберете!
This is a 10 out of 10 tutorial for pushing gently on a mission model. We also discuss how to build robots that tolerate error and auto-correct their behavior.
In this video tutorial, we demonstrate how to gently push an object to accomplish the mission. "Gently" means that we are pushing but not with force. If we push using force, the mission model will fall, and we will not accomplish the mission. We use LEGO Education SPIKE Prime and the Ultrasonic Sensor.
In this short animation we demonstrate how the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Distance sensors could be attached to the robot and then use to stop at distance from a wall. This wall could be the border of the field or another mission model. We need an attachment, we need a sensor and we need the robot. In the live video in the lesson we enter into more details and explanations of how the sensor is used. Programs for the distance sensor are provided in the lesson and in the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Programming course we enter into more details about how to program the distance sensor
In this video tutorial we demonstrate a few ways to use the Distance sensor from the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor on FIRST LEGO League competitions. We don't enter into the details about programming as we do in the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Programming course, because here we demonstrate the behavior of the robot when the sensor is use and we make the argument that you should always use sensors at FIRST LEGO League competitions
This tutorial demonstrates how a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot could stop when it reaches a wall. FIRST LEGO League competitions are held on tables that have border and it is sometimes useful to use the Ultrasonic sensor to detect the border and stop close to the border. The attachment uses Luly, a small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions as a robot base.
Сензорът за разстояние работи на принципа на изпращане на ултразвукови вълни към обект. Едното "око" е предавател и изпраща ултразвукови вълни, които се отразяват в обекта и се връщат в другото "око" - приемник.
Arriving at a final solution. There is still room for improvement on using the Mindstorms Ultrasonic Sensor for aligning to walls, but we hope the whole five videos could give you a good idea of how to start with a problem and reach a solution.
We explore some common mistakes when a program is developed and becomes complex. We then try to remove part of this complexity.
If you get to a solution that is too complex you should always try to improve it. This is what we are doing here. Arriving at a solution for aligning to the wall that has become too complex.
Implementing the next logic for aligning to the border when we approach the border from the right.
We have previously aligned to lines with the Color Sensors. In this series we are doing the same program, but with Ultrasonic Sensors that are aligning the robot to a Wall.
In the first LEGO tutorial we started following a wall with the Ultrasonic Sensor. In this tutorial we would improve the program, remove the zig zag movement and make it very smooth.
This tutorial is about how to follow a wall with an ultrasonic sensor. The example is with a border from a FIRST LEGO League (FLL) competition, but could also easily be applied to other competitions and problems.
Tasks for school STEM classes or home exersie. Try to solve them to submit your solutions below.
Follow an object using the LEGO Mindstorms Ultrasonic Sensor. Object moves away, the robot moves with the object. The program is very useful if you are doing STEM classes and you want to demonstrate results. People react very well to a robot following you like a dog for example.
Stop on detecting an object with the Ultrasonic sensor and move after detecting there is no object. Join of the previous two video tutorials in one
The robot detects an object. After the object is remove we want to make the LEGO robot move forward.
We are introducing the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor. The first program is actually to detect an object and stop near it, at about 4 inches/10 centimeters. The ultrasonic sensor could be used during robotics competitions, but most of its use is for experiments.
This video lesson shows a very interesting specific example on how to use the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor. The sensor detects if the catapult is loaded or if we have just fired an element. At the end of the lesson I also offer an interesting challenge that you could use in your classroom or at home.
There is no block for programming the Ultrasonic Sensor in the retail version of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 software. In this video tutorial we will show you how you can download & import such blocks in order to use the sensor.
In this episode we are showing the great similiarity between the sensors in NXT Mindstorms. We are solving a common problem - How to make a robot that do not fall from the table. We are using the Ultrasonic sensor, Light Sensor and Touch Sensor to solve the same problem, but with three different sensors.