How to align to a wall with Ultrasonic Sensors. Remove complexity (part 4)
We explore some common mistakes when a program is developed and becomes complex. We then try to remove part of this complexity.
- #166
- 16 Nov 2015
We explore some common mistakes when a program is developed and becomes complex. We then try to remove part of this complexity.
How great is the great attachment for lifting that we built in this course? How many times can it lift the robot without making an error? How great are your attachments and how could you test them? - the answer is simple. Just try 10 times and they should work at least 9 of them as our attachment is.
It this episode we would present you with our attachment for lifting the robot.
Before moving forward here is the simple task of building the mechanism and extending the legs. Extend the legs to fifteen LEGO units.
A human being walks with an average speed of about 5 km/h (3 miles/h). In this video tutorial we will develop a block for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, that measures the speed of the robot in distance/time units where time will be configurable and could be 1 second or 0.5 seconds or any other number of seconds you pass as a param to the block. Measuring the speed of the robot is very powerful if you start building an Artificial Inteligence for your robot and is quite fun :)
"Array initialization" is the first step in every program that involves Arrays. This applies to most programming languages and for EV3-G it is a must.
In this tutorial, we would show you how to initialize the array and how to extract this logic in a new block
Here is our solution for preventing torsion and bending of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 axles.
We would continue from the previous program where we used variables and we would change this to arrays.
Нека се научим да използваме блокчето на звука.
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ninja Motorcycle robot works. It's a nice demonstration with the robot moving forward, backward, and slightly to the left and right.
We will introduce a convention, an agreement, how and in which cases we are going to use each types of blocks.
How to align the wheels and how much should you push for this solution?
We would look at the rules of the competition over our small model and we would start solving the field.
What is the end result? - have the attached on the mission model. What is the mechanism the would make the robot hang on the mission model.
This video tutorial contains a detailed explanation on how we accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit mission called M04. CRATER CROSSING. These are some of the funniest missions at this robotics competition. Try to move over an obstacle with a robot and if you manage to return back to base without bumping into other mission models that would be great.
Ще ви покажем и друг начин да програмирате робот да се движи назад.
There were a few problems with the 40 teeth gears that we were using. Let's list some of them
В EV3 софтуера за програмиране има Танк блокче за движение. То ни позволява да задаваме различни мощности на всеки мотор.
В живота подобно нещо се използва при автомобилите. Системите за управление на сцеплението с пътя (tracktion control) предават различна мощност към всяко колело на автомобила, така че колата да остане стабилна на пътя и да не поднася.
The M08. AEROBIC EXERCISE is one of the very common types of mission in FIRST LEGO League robotics competitions. I think this pattern of missions was first introduced with the growing abilities of the participating students that were constantly reaching the maximum number of points. So the competition introduced mission that require a lot of time - 20-30 seconds, are time consuming and are complex. They requires a lot of moves. This here is a video tutorial on how it could be accomplished
Building a rack is a very important skill during competitions. You should try to build one, learn how to use it and have it as a tool for you next robots. But for this particular BoxRobot, we will not continue with a rack.
In this tutorial we accomplish the Elevated places with the Whakatae - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Competition Box robot mission. It is important to be able to go over the mission model and at the end with a simple mechanism we just push the mission model at the end
The most stressed wheel in our system is the driven wheel. We've already fixed the problem with the driving wheel of the scissor mechanism and now it is time to look at the drive LEGO Mindstorms wheel.
We are programming this strange construction to move in a square. This is a basic task, but it is worth doing for a robot with motors placed in different directions.