It is a hardware/software related course. You need a set with parts. And you need a number of sets for a class of students. You can buy the set from us, from other vendors, from online retailers. It doesn`t matter actually as long as you have the needed parts for the course. We have tried to create a very lean set, but if you can afford to buy additional parts you could create more complex and probably more interesting devices.
- #306
- 15 Nov 2016
- 1:01
This are the parts that need to be bought:
Main set:
Arduino Uno controller, USB cable, Breadboard 840 pin holes, Jumnpers - 140pcs, Resistors - 220Ω - 10pcs, Resistors - 10kΩ - 10pcs, LEDs - Red - 2pcs, LEDs - Wellow - 2pcs, LEDs - Green - 2pcs, Buttons 6х6 - 3pcs
Expansion Set:
Buzzer, Speaker, Potentiometer - 3pcs, Photo resistor - LDR, RGB sensor - TCS34725, Infrared sensor - GP2Y0A21YK (10 - 80 см), Ultrasonic sensor - Maxbotix LV-EZ2, Relay, Motor, Motor driver
In this course you'll need a set with which you can work. We've created a very lean set that includes just the minimum number of parts. Just enough to get you started. As everything hardware related, of course the more parts you have the more different and probably even larger projects you would be able to make with this set. You can buy the set from us. We've listed it below the video. You can buy it from other places. It doesn't matter. These are all standard components. Below the video we'll include a list of the components that we use in this course and you can decide if you have previously bought different sets whether you have the parts or you can just order them from different stores. Again, all the links are below the video.
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.
Starting with Electronics and Arduino
Robotics is great. Mindstorms are great. But for a student to take the next step he or she needs to take a step back, learn what's 'below' and from there discover what would be 'above'.
So we, the content creators at FLLCasts, in order to teach the world of electronics and prepare the next generation of creators from the youngest age, by presenting knowledge, asking questions and searching for the answers of these questions, are building this course for basic electronics with Arduino, that we call "Starting with Electronics and Arduino".
The course is still in development
- 16
- 25:27
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Prepare for the course
Answering three questions:
Why - because we believe any student and basically anybody must have a basic understanding of how electronic works. This course gives us the chance to present it and to move forward to better and smarter robots.
How - we do videos, we set tasks. You solve them.
What - we are using Arduino. Because it is popular, it is easy and we like it.
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