Experiment with moving the robot in different geometrical figures. The tasks could be used in STEM classes for introducing students to geometry and math.
- #133
- 02 Oct 2015
- 3:49
You can accomplish the tasks in a number of different ways.
For example: try/error without involving any mathematics.
Or you could for example try to calculate how much should you turn the motor for the robot to turn 120 degrees and then repeat this three times to make the LEGO Mindstorms robot move in Triangle.
The specific tasks are described in the tasks Section.
Courses with this episode
The episode is used in the following courses where you can find additional tasks for it to use in class
EV3 Basic Course. Introduction to robot programming, construction and sensor use
In the previous videos we introduced you to basic programming of the robot and the movement of the robot. Now without going much into detail i would like to set a few tasks for you. The complete tasks are described below the video and you can find them. But most of the tasks are the following. For example, you must program the robot,of course we added tasks that are quite easy, for some of you and these are starter tasks so you can actually switch to the tasks that are at your level of complexity, that you prefer. So first let's start with a simple task, program the robot to move forward and backward. That's the first task. Try it yourself. Then program the robot to move in the following way: move forward, then turn to a 180 degrees and then return to initial position.
What would this program require? Think about it. And other tasks that follow after this are: make the robot turn into square. How do you program the robot move into square? You move forward, then you turn, but you must turn to precisely 90 degrees of the robot, not the motor, these are about one, one and a half rotations. Program the robot to move in a square, move forward, turn, move forward, turn, move forward, turn, move forward, turn. And you have the robot moving in a square. That's kind of an intermediate task. More advanced task is to make the robot move in a triangle and it's again interesting. The final task is to try to move the robot so that you can draw a number. Let's say that this number is 19. So you must, first move, so you that you can draw 1 for example, like this and then return, and then start some movement, so that you can draw 9. How would you do this? Program the robot, so you have different movements: back, forward, turning, drawing the number - 19. If you have more than one robot try to synchronize them in class. So that you can write, for example, FLL Casts, with 2 or 3 robots, so you decide which of the robots writes each letter, moves so that it draws a letter.
Program the robots, record the results, make a video of them and share them with us in the comments below, and we'll give you additional feedback.
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

EV3 Basic Course. Introduction to robot programming, construction and sensor use
This course is designed for students, mentors and teachers that are completely new to LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots and would like to start using them to learn, in classes or at competitions. It is quite different from previously built resources at FLLCasts because it makes no assumption on any previous knowledge and tries to introduce everything step-by-step.
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Build and Move
Based on your feedback we've build a course for introducing new students to the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programming and construction. It is designed for school groups, competition teams and students alone in home that can get our feedback on their progress
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- 3d_rotation 2