Модели за мисии Swing и Traffic Jam от FIRST LEGO Лига 2019-2020 City Shaper
Това са инструкции за моделите на мисии Swing и Traffic Jam. И двете мисии са в торбичка 9 от комплекта за FIRST LEGO Лига 2019-2020 City Shaper.
- #856
- 21 Aug 2019
Това са инструкции за моделите на мисии Swing и Traffic Jam. И двете мисии са в торбичка 9 от комплекта за FIRST LEGO Лига 2019-2020 City Shaper.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are construction plates used as Mission Model for preparing for FIRST LEGO League competition off season. They are build with LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set and following the idea of the same places with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime construction plates and LEGO Mindstorms EV3 construction plates
This is a power inventor switch mission model. The goal is to "switch" the power by moving the lever from one side to the other. This is a common mission for FIRST LEGO League competitions.
3D instructions for the Energy Storage mission from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 mission model. Parts are in Bag 4 from the set
The Hybrid car and the Ramp are part of mission 6 from FLL 2022. Find the parts in Bag 6 and assembly the model following this 3D building instructions
The robot removes the backrest, flattens the bench, and gets cubes into the hopscotch spaces.
The robot flips the cell phone white side up.
Камионният взвод е свързването на две или повече камиони в транспорта. Това позволява камиони да се движат ефективно, спестявайки време, гориво и пари.
Load cargo containers safely and efficiently
Score all that apply
If a Unit is Independent and Supported by the Tree’s:
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
If the Swing is released: 20
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
This is the Chemicals Object mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2022 in 3D assembly instructions.
This is the Cross Wall mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2022 in 3D assembly instructions.
This is the Straight Wall mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2022 Junior in 3D assembly instructions.
This is the Fence mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2022 Elementary competition in 3D assembly instructions.
This is the Table mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2022 Senior competition in 3D assembly instructions.
This is the Bridge mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2024 Senior competition in 3D assembly instructions.
This are the House Elements mission models from the World Robot Olympiad 2024 Senior competition in 3D assembly instructions.
This are the Green Elements mission models from the World Robot Olympiad 2024 Junior competition in 3D assembly instructions.