Lander Touch-Down. Mission 15 from FIRST LEGO League 2018 Into Orbit Challenge
Our Lander doesn’t have working parachutes, thrusters, or cushions, but one important feature is realistic … it’s very fragile.
Get the lander to one of its targets intact, or at least get it to base.
- Move the lander to be intact, touching the mat, and completely in its target circle: 22 OR
- Move the lander to be intact, touching the mat, and completely in the northeast planet area: 20 OR
- Move both parts of the lander completely into the base: 16
- Possible scores: 0, 16, 20, 22
Scoring Requirements
- The result must be visible at the end of the match.
- The lander is “intact” if its parts are connected by at least two of its four tan location axles.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
- #551
- 01 Jan 2016