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Вертикална основа за шаси за робот от ЛЕГО LEGO Mindstorms EV3
При това шаси за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 брик-ът е вертикално разположен. Това е една интересна идея, която може да бъде много полезна.
- #239
- 07 Feb 2016
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Box Robot Active Attachment at the top
Active robot attachment for the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Box robot chassis. The attachment is placed on the top of the robot and uses a system of two gear wheels to transfer the motion to a lever and to .... lift things.
- #248
- 11 Dec 2016
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Състезателен робот от EV3 с три сензора за цвят
Разновидност на състезателния робот от EV3, при който отпред има сензори за светлина.
- #7
- 20 Jan 2016
- 2

Active attachment for changing gear orientation
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Active attachment for changing gear orientations
- #175
- 16 Oct 2014
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Active attachment for changing gear orientation - part 2
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 active attachment for changing gears orientations. This is the second attachment from the series.
- #120
- 23 Oct 2014
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Основа за робот от ЛЕГО EV3 с гуми 56mm в1
Инструкции за основа за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 с гуми 56mm, вариант 1. Тази основа може да се използва в състезания по роботика като FIRST LEGO League, World Robotics Olympiad и други.
- #61
- 24 Jan 2016
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EV3 Competition Robot Light
Building instructions for a Light LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Competition Robot that could be used in LEGO Robotics competitions
- #94
- 23 Nov 2014
- 2

Основа за шаси на робот от ЛЕГО Mindstrorms EV3 5 - Големият
Инструкции за построяване на основа за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, която може да се използва във FIRST LEGO League, World Robotics Olympiad или други състезания по роботика.
- #59
- 21 Feb 2016
- 1

Box Robot Two Attachment with a vertical axle
Attachment used to transfer the motion from the motor from a vertical axle to a horizontal axle. Uses two gear wheels. Could be built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits.
- #275
- 01 Jun 2017
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Инструкции за „Box“ робот. Част 2
Втора част на инструкциите за шасито на този състезателен робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3.
- #242
- 02 Sep 2016
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Box Robot Three With Large Wheels and Three light sensors and one Gyro
This modification of the box robot contains large wheels. It was specially requested by you and we have it .
- #336
- 02 Aug 2017
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Box Robot Two Push/Pull Attachment with a Rack
Robot attachment that shows you how a circular motion could be transferred to linear by using a gear and a rack. The final motion is for pushing and pulling things.
The attachment could be built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT parts.
- #274
- 01 Apr 2017
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„Box“ робот 2 Рамка
Рамка за добавянето на приставки към робота. Когато използвате приставка, добавянето и свалянето на приставки без пинове става много бързо и лесно. Също така може да махнете и цялата рамка.
В рамката са използвани части от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3.
- #271
- 01 Apr 2017
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Box Robot passive attachment
No need for all attachments to be powered by motors and to include gears. It's sometimes possible to use a simple robot attachment to collect objects. Such attachments we call passive and this one is an example for the Box Robot Chassis.
Build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
- #247
- 29 Sep 2016

Box Robot Active Attachment for heavy lifting
When you need a LEGO robot attachment to lift heavy things on the competition field. Probably at FIRST LEGO League or World Robotics Olympiad. This attachment uses 4-5 gear wheels to lift a heavy object.
Build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
- #250
- 29 Sep 2016

Box Robot - one more active attachment
A simple active attachment that could be added to the Box Robot Chassis.
- #251
- 29 Sep 2016

Box Robot Attachments Frame
Attachment frames are used on Base Robot Chassis to make it easier to add and remove attachments very fast. This frame is for the Box Robot 1. It is a single module build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts and it could handle attachment on all sides.
- #245
- 22 Sep 2016

Maze Runner - LEGO Mindstorms Robot for maze runs
Maze Runners are one of the very popular robotics competitions. But there are a lot of limits that the robots must comply with. Like the size of the robot.
This here are building instructions for a very small maze runner robot, build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. It uses two tires that are technic and not Mindstorms simply because none of the Mindstorms tires fit the size limit.
The robot has an Ultrasonic sensor and a Gyro sensor at the top.
- #393
- 22 Jan 2018

Двойник на "Box" робота - Олекотена версия на ЛЕГО Mindstorms робота, при който се спазват принципите, използвани при "Box" робота
Разполагахме с няколко минути преди да започнем да строим друг робот и ни хрумна идеята за този. Ако искате да построите Box робот, но нямате достатъчно части, това е една добра конструкция, с която може да се упражнявате. При нея има рамка и три мотора, като може да добавите и приставки.
- #394
- 24 Jan 2018

The power of State Machines. Gapped and Crossed Line Following with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
There comes a time when you need to program the robot to "follow a line, but if another sensor detects something you would like to stop, do some work, and then continue following the line". This is applicable to competition robots as it is applicable to real-life robots.
There comes the State Machine Pattern. An advanced and very powerful concept that allows you to easily implement complex robot behaviours with a simple, well-organized, extensible, bug-free program where the robot could be in 1,2, 10 or 100 states and you will still be able to manage the complexity of the world around the robot.
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