EV3 Phi. The different palettes in LEGO Mindstorms EV3-G software
Each palette contains programming blocks that share common purpose. We will cover most of them
- #398
- 01 May 2017
Each palette contains programming blocks that share common purpose. We will cover most of them
We show the principle of solving the next FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Nature's Fury 2013 competition missions. Again, without any programs, but just the principles of using one attachment for most of the missions.
Задачата е да програмирате робота да се движи напред и назад с все по-малки разстояния.
Based on your feedback we've build a course for introducing new students to the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programming and construction. It is designed for school groups, competition teams and students alone in home that can get our feedback on their progress
In this video we discuss the durability of the construction of LEGO robots and how do we make them more durable.
So far we know how to make a turn in an arc, just like the real cars do.
Today we will see what other options our robots have for turning.
Another example for a quick pinless attachment build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots.
In the EV3-G software, you could use negative numbers for power and rotations. In this episode, we would look at what is the meaning of this numbers and make a few notes of where the teacher must be more careful.
Това е втора версия на Хващач от ЛЕГО Mindstorms. При него се използват четири зъбни колела, които задвижват лостовете.
Two missions in one. This attachment accomplishes the Hydrodynamics Fountain and Faucet missions from the FIRST LEGO League Hydrodynamics 2017-2018 competitions. The attachment shows a really interesting and widely used approach of a single attachment that is used for two, three and even more missions. This is a standard practice for many of the advanced teams, especially those that reach the finals. The based of the robot is the LEGO Box Robot Three With Large Wheels and Thee light sensors and one Gyro
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. This is a EV3 LEGO Mindstorms Project including the programs for controlling the WRO Football Striker and the WRO Football Goalkeeper, as well as all of the necessary My blocks.
Решенията на задачите от втория урок на ниво 3.0 Заключващи системи и сигурност.
Програмите използват този робот.
Сюзън идва от Sue, което е името на най-големия запазен индивид от Т-Рексове.
Марк идва от Marc Bolan, който е главният певец/китарист на бандата T-Rex.
Роботът е направен да прилича на Т-Рекс (Сюзън), гонещ кола (Марк).
Т-Рексът използва голям мотор, за да върви напред и назад. Другият голям мотор се използва в колата, която прилича на много просто превозно средство с 4 колела. Целта на робота е Сюзън да забележи Марк, използвайки опцията за текуща мощност на ротационния сензор. Понеже Т-Рексовете не могат да те забележат, ако се движиш много бавно, Марк се опитва да избяга много бавно, без да е забелязан!
This video tutorial contains a detailed explanation on how we accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2018-2019 Into Orbit mission called M09. STRENGTH EXERCISE. I could think for a couple of missions in previous years that require lifting a heavy object. Let's see how this mission could be accomplished.
This is the attachment of Team "Nightbeast", with which they solve M01 and M02 from FLL Into Orbit Challenge
This is the field used in FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019. The pdf should be downloaded and printed 1:1. It is best if it is printed on durable canvas such as vinyl. Although we do not recomend it, the field can be printed on regular paper.
Това е добавка за Уелдър – супер обикновен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Тя позволява на мотора да се движи само на задната си гума и по този начин да прави готини трикове. Какви по-точно ще трябва да откриете сами!
Meet Kiddo, smaller sister of Roller Coaster. It is smaller, easier to build and easier to control box robot with X-Y moving plate.
The goal of this robot is to have one complex attachment that could move in four directions. With such an attachment you can solve a lot of complex tasks without loosing time changing attachments. It is also quite sturdy and packed