Program for Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot
The programs are designed to be used with Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot.The project consists of several programs:
- Shoot - just shoots the ball.
- ShootWithUltrasonicSensor - this one is pretty much the same, but uses the ultrasonic seonsor infront of the robot as a triger.
- MoveAndShoot - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target and then it shoots the ball at it. This can be either its "volleyball partner" or a box or some other target practice object.
- MoveShootGoBack - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target, shoots the ball and then it returns to its starting position.
- MovePassMove - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target, shoots the ball and then it continues moving. This program is great to be used with second robot and try to pass each other the balls.
- #83uwm2
- 26 Jan 2019