Прехвърляне на Текуща мощност между мотори за робота Т-Рекс, гонещ кола
Програмата съдържа Собствено блокче, което чете текущата мощност от мотор A и я изпраща на мотор D.
- #4nde5f
- 28 Feb 2019
Програмата съдържа Собствено блокче, което чете текущата мощност от мотор A и я изпраща на мотор D.
A program for one of the scariest robots ever - Mantissa.
A program, that makes the Turtle follow a designated course and get back to it, even if it's been manually rotated. It also hides in its shell when it sees anything close to it.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
A collection of MyBlocks, that help you use the Turtle robot. The MyBlocks used are the following:
FollowCourse: Makes the turtle rotate, until it reaches the course it uses. If it's already on it, this MyBlock makes the turtle go forward. It uses the power you set it on.
PickNewCourse: Makes the turtle pick a new course.
HideInShell: Makes the turtle hide in its shell for the designated amount of seconds.
CurrentAndDesiredCourse: Displays the Current course and the course it wants on the display of the robot.
Careful: Gyro Sensor port in this program is port 3. Check your cables when you run this program.
NOTE: The program contains my blocks, that will appear broken if you use any version before 1.3.0 of the EV3 Mindstorms Software
Програма, която ни прави графика на вийбрациите на повърхността, на която седи робота. Използва Чувствителната Плочка, използваща тегло.
Решението на всяка задача в първия урок на курса 3.0.
Програмата е предназначена за този робот.
Последните задачи изискват втора конструкция с сензор за докосване.
Решенията на задачите от втория урок на ниво 3.0 Заключващи системи и сигурност.
Програмите използват този робот.
This is a program that controlls the Roberto With Rack For Pushing To The Left And Right Side - VEX IQ Robot
The programs are designed to be used with Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot.The project consists of several programs:
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control the Roberto Bot With Four Bars Lifting Mechanism, and also Sports Chassis With Eight Bar Lifting Mechanism - VEX IQ Robot.
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control The Roberto Bot chassis with Modkit for VEX. This program can be used and for other robots/chassis.
The robots are available at:
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control the Pesho Bot With Two Bars Lifting Mechanism Controls.
This is a program for communicating with LEGO Mindstorms Bluetooth between two bricks. The goal of the program is to control one of the bricks with another brick. The controller has two touch sensors that control the direction and two buttons on the brick itself that control the power.
The control brick has two motors attached that are controlled.
The goal of this program is to be used as an example of how to use the EV3-G Bluetooth. Yes, it requires two bricks, but most of the schools have two bricks and could test the program.
Блокчето има един параметър за порта, на който е свързан средният мотор.
This is a simple program that shows how does the "subscriber" in MQTT server model works. It's a little bit more complicated than the "publisher" but it is still the basic things you need to know. As in the publisher we have an IP address which you have to edit to your case, for more explanation you can see this program. It also have a Client instance, but this time we have to "subscribe", not to "publish". The more complicated thing here is that we have one function called "on_message". It prints the topic and the message, which is posted. Our client is subscribed to topic "Air Conditioner" respectivly the printed topic always will be "Air Conditioner". The function is called every time when somebody post a message on this topic. For this purpouse we have the "on_message", which actually catches the messages. For now we'll not discuss what magic stands behind the "on_message". The last thing you need to know is the infinite loop which we start, because our "subscriber" have to check non-stop for messages.
This is a simple program that shows how does the "publisher" in MQTT server model works. It publish "On" as a message on a server with IP address Be carefull, we have already installed an instance of MQTT server on your Raspberry. And it lives on your Raspberry so the server has the same IP addres as the Raspberry. This means that you have to replace the IP addres in the program, with the addres of your Raspberry. If you forget it you can type "ifconfig" in the command promt and search for the "inet" line.
wlan0: flags=4163 mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast
The name of the client in this case is "Publisher 1" and the message is posted under the topic "Air Conditioner".
This is a program that sets the VEX IQ Controller to control the Pesho Bot chassis.
Playing Football with robots is extremely fun. It could be part of the classes, it could be part of demonstration days. This is a EV3 LEGO Mindstorms Project including the programs for controlling the WRO Football Striker and the WRO Football Goalkeeper, as well as all of the necessary My blocks.
These are the programs for our boxing robots and their Joysticks. They are made for a game of two fighters with their respective joysticks, fighting until one is knocked out or its "heart" touch sensor is punched by the other robot. The fighters require the two "leg" motors to be connected on ports B and C and the hand medium motors on port D. The touch sensors should be connected on port 1, however keep in mind that the game may be better without them. The distance sensor has no purpose in the program as it is used only for aesthetics. The joysticks require the motor for forward and backward to be connected on port B and the motor for left and right to be connected on port A. The touch sensor operates the hands and must be connected on port 4.