Python program to stop at distance from the border, with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
This program is developed with LEGO Education SPIKE App Python and is used to make the Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions stop at a distance from the border field.
from spike import PrimeHub, LightMatrix, Button, StatusLight, ForceSensor, MotionSensor, Speaker, ColorSensor, App, DistanceSensor, Motor, MotorPair from spike.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer from math import * hub = PrimeHub() distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('C') motor_pair = MotorPair('A', 'B') # Set the motor ports in the motor_pair. motor_pair.set_default_speed(50) # Set the default speed of the motor_pair. motor_pair.set_motor_rotation(17.6, 'cm') # Set the distance that the robot travels for one rotation of its wheels. The value 17.6 comes from # the diameter of the wheel (5.6cm) multiplied by "π" (3.14). motor_pair.set_stop_action('brake') # Activate the brakes when the robot stops. The other conditions are 'hold' and 'coast'. distance_sensor.light_up_all() # Turn on the distance sensor lights. motor_pair.start() # Move forward. distance_sensor.wait_for_distance_closer_than(20, 'cm') # Wait until distance is closer than 20 centimeters. motor_pair.stop() # Stop moving. distance_sensor.light_up_all(0) # Turn off the distance sensor lights. raise SystemExit # Close the program.
- #140q68
- 15 Mar 2021