Second quick pinless attachment
Another example for a quick pinless attachment build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots.
- #231
- 07 Dec 2014
- 1
Another example for a quick pinless attachment build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots.
Това е робот, направен да повдига чаша, докато я държи изправена! Той използва един голям EV3 мотор, закачен за брика, за да повдига чашата на всеки ъгъл, който искате! Чашата, която ние сме ви дали е изцяло за красота, но с няколко корекции, робота може да повдига и истински чаши! Все пак внимавайте около течности!
Инструкции за дистанционно управление. При него се използва сензор за завъртане, който определя посоката на кормилото, и сензор за допир, който управлява движението. Тук ще откриете инструкции за подходящо шаси.
Дистанционното управление и колата изглеждат заедно така:
These are buliding instructions for the FTC robot and collecting attachments with it. We are doing small modifications of the push bot.
Инструкции за най-обикновения хващач, при който се използва само един голям ЛЕГО EV3 мотор. При него има един неподвижен и един подвижен лост.
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms attachment using Rubber Bands
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
We've separated the BigDaddy robot into a few smaller modules. This teaches modularity and gives you the option to reuse some of the modules and to look at specific modules.
Минтонета (от англ. Mintonette) е името на една от първите версии на волейбол.
Роботът използва два сензора за допир с които да движи оръдието си наляво и надясно. За да стреля използва цветен сензор. На оръдието си има голям мотор отговорен за стрелбата и среден мотор който мести оръдието.
This is a ping-ball containing attachment for a World Robotics Olympiad. The attachment is building with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts. It is tiltel so that it is easier for the balls to fall off at certain points, which was part of the missions at the 2015 cmpetition.
This frame holds the motor and ev3 brick used in the catapult. The frame is placed on top of the rotating base and thus could be easily rotated. The brick could be both NXT and EV3
Лабораторията е робот, който ще провери уменията ви по програмиране. Трябва да измерите обема на балона само чрез стойностите измерени от сензорите.
Конструкцията има вентил, с който можете да изпускате балона с различна скорост.
Как точно се поставя балонът в робота е пояснено в този урок.
This is the "most valuable player" robot. It has many possible modifications, including ones that allow it to bend and reshape. Attachments and redesigns will soon be linked here, so you get an idea of the few ways MVP earns its title.
Let's play some basketball
Tricky might be the smallest Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor robot, but it's definitely one of the greatest. If you build Tricky with this particular Basketball attachment and grab the Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, you'll unlock a whole new level in playing basketball at home. Yes, yes, we know that you'll also need a basketball hoop, so you'll find a link for it below.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
Oh no, the delivery is running late! Don't worry, this warehouse robot made to hold and drag objects is here to help! It uses two medium motors to move around and one for a grabber. The grabber, which is at the front of the robot, consists of two double angular lift-arms that are each connected to a gear.
This are building instructions for a second mechanism for collecting cubes. This mechanism is designed for VEX Robot Base 1 and can be used for solving VEX IQ Challenge Highrise 2014-2015.
Building instructions for the catapult that could be placed over the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Brick. The idea of the catapult it to throw objects. The fact that it is over the brick makes it very convenient to place the motors below the brick and to use the Catapult.
This robot construction itself was used in the FIRST LEGO League Senior Solutions competition
If you take a look at the videos for this attachment you will see a nice idea on taking the track and the ambulance. These two vehicles from the FIRST LEGO League 2013 competition had to be collected and returned back to base.
Built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.