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- #674
- 05 Feb 2018
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Инструкции за сглобяване на ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 робот, при който моторите се намират в края на хоризонтално поставения блок, така че да са вертикални. Тази конструкция прави завиването трудно, но в същото време тя е висока и може да се използва като основа за направата на различни камиони или животни.
This robot is a spin-off of the Useless machine built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3. This robots mission is to be the last to press the button it holds.
Do you have a friend for a sleepover? This might be the perfect robot for you! It is a football gate, guarded by Fint, the goalkeeper robot. You can control him, by using the remote controller, that consists of two Touch Sensors. Take turns making penalty shots and have a blast with this awesome robot!
What we recommend:
The is the whole step-by-step process of connecting the motors with the Raspberry PI with the driver and the batteries. No scheme needed. Everything is already here. In the course, the motors are part of the car and the batteries are in the batteries holder, but with this scheme, you could see the whole process.
This is the "most valuable player" robot. It has many possible modifications, including ones that allow it to bend and reshape. Attachments and redesigns will soon be linked here, so you get an idea of the few ways MVP earns its title.
Let's play some basketball
Tricky might be the smallest Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor robot, but it's definitely one of the greatest. If you build Tricky with this particular Basketball attachment and grab the Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, you'll unlock a whole new level in playing basketball at home. Yes, yes, we know that you'll also need a basketball hoop, so you'll find a link for it below.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
This is a disk image containing a Raspbian OS. The image is modified and set up specifically for the Perfect course. It contains all the needed files, libraries and additional tools that we would use in the course. The file is quite large so be prepared to wait some time while downloading.
Checksum: 4d85292f49a9350fcef9f2eb8fd86b77f1c6bd65ce1344848de3e201c9e1d20d
Инструкции за ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 робот, който може да се построи за три минути. Можете ли да се справите? Опитайте.
Използваме този робот, когато трябва да направим нещо бързи за демонстрация или малко състезание. Просто прикрепете моторите и сте готови. Бързо е, нали.
These are the building instructions for the Writing attachment for Tricky - the Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor's smallest robot. If you build this attachment, you can program Tricky to write different things with its pen by moving. The animation in the instructions below will give you a better perspective for its abilities.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
The name of the game? Football!
This Kick the ball attachment for Tricky - the Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor smallest robot - is one of our favorites. Imagine a LEGO robot playing football. It is dribbling through the center of the field, it enters the box, it strikes and... goooooooal. What a fun game to play at home, if you decide to build Tricky with this kicking attachment. Aptly named for it’s “trick shots” with the included Mindstorms/Duplo ball. After you're ready with the construction of this robot, you'll find the instructions for building the goal frame below.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
This magical wardrobe is for little dolls wear and bags. It could be a part of every doll play at any time. Yes. We have daughters.
Do you like playing bowling? How about playing it with a Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor set? Well, these are the building instructions for the bowling pins and "playground". In order to play bowling with a robot, you'll first have to build one. This particular construction was created to be used with Tricky - the smallest Inventor robot - and its Kick the ball attachment. You could later spice things up and try to play it with the Turning attachment for Tricky.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
So I was looking around the house and I thought- "This will be fun for the kids. Let's build a coffee machine". Little did I know how fun it will be. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 this Coffee Machine has a lit that could be opened/closed and is with the right size for the hands of an 6-10 years old child. What my daughters did with it is to have some coffee with the other toys. It is fun for them to construct and was really interesting that you can open and close it. As an engineer I had the chance to tell them a few words about the valve on the machine and why it is needed. Best ~2 hours of play for this week.
Play time for a week: ~2 hours in total
Този робот изглежда малко странно. Можете ли да познаете защо? Двигателите са разположени в противоположни посоки. Единият двигател е обърнат "напред", а другият е обърнат "назад". Това означава, че ако кажете на двата мотора да се въртят напред, роботът просто ще се върти! За да накарате робота да се движи напред, ще трябва да накарате единия двигател да се върти напред, а другия - назад.
Целта на този робот е да научи учениците, че двигателите могат да бъдат поставени по много различни начини. Не винаги двата двигателя са обърнати в една и съща посока и това трябва да се вземе предвид по време на програмирането.
This construction uses a differential. Both wheels could turn with different speed and this makes a construction much more stable when turning.
You can't play basketball without a hoop. So here are the building instructions of a Basketball hoop built with LEGO Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor set. The other things you'll need to play this game at your own home are a Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, and, of course, a robot. This hoop construction was created to be used with the smallest Inventor robot Tricky and its Basketball attachment. When you are ready with the constructions, you have to program the robot and start playing. Who will score more points in this robotics basketball game?
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
Както може би сте забелязали, в последно време всички готини деца строят тенсегрити структури. Затова ние решихме да направим една за тези от вас, които имат Спайк прайм комплект и искат да си построят своя! Също така тази тенсегрити структура изисква само части от комплекта, което означава че нямате нужда да връзвате конци към греди и други части!
На върха на структурата има 2 напълно работещи мотора! Можете ли да направите нещо яко с тях?
In this 3D scheme, you can see how the motor driver is connected to the Raspberry Pi and to the motor. Follow the steps in the instructions one by one and you will have successfully connected the motor to the Raspberry PI