Празен лист за данни за влизане
Празен лист за записване на данни за влизане в уроците:
Име на ученика,
Име на групата,
Потребителско име и
Място за паролата.
- #1173
- 01 Sep 2020
Празен лист за записване на данни за влизане в уроците:
Име на ученика,
Име на групата,
Потребителско име и
Място за паролата.
One of the spacers that the Nightbeast team used in FLL 2018/19 Into Orbit Challange
You need a model to lift with the robot. This is a nice looking model where you could experiment with moving the robot and lifting the load
Лаусн, от исландски, означава решение.
Роботът е направен да хваща примки с определен цвят. Движи се с помощта на два средни мотора с малки колела. Има цветен сензор отстрани за откриване на цвета на примката. От същата страна има и механизъм за улавяне на примката, задвижван от голям мотор!
In Arabic, "mustakshif" means "explorer."
This simple robot uses two wheels connected to medium motors for movement. It also has an ultrasonic sensor at its front.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 M11 Hydroelectric Dam mission model. It is a rather complex mission model as it requires the robot to accomplish actions like Lever, Hang, Lift. At the same time it is quite fun.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is an alternative model for the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED built only with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime parts. The goal of the model is to be able to experiment and learn without the need to have the real parts, that at this moment are almost impossible to find and gather.
This is the Family House mission model from the World Robot Olympiad 2024 Junior competition in 3D assembly instructions.
This is a practice model, also known as alternative mission model that you could use for practice and learn how to accomplish different missions. It is similar to the Train Track mission model from FIRST LEGO League 2021-2021 Cargo Connect. The robot must push a cart on the track and also connect the track. It is a two actions mission model.
This is an alternative mission model for practicing Carry, deliver, drop missions. It is similar to FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect mission model called Large Cargo.
This is an alternative missing model for the Platooning Trucks from FIRST LEGO League 2021-2022 Cargo Connect. It allows you to practice accomplishing a mission where two mission models, in this case trucks should be attached together and moved together.