Building Instructions -

FLL 2017: Attachment For Accomplishing The Slingshot (17th) Mission
These are building instructions for an attachment accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2017-2018 Slingshot mission. The based of the robot is LEGO Box Robot Three With Large Wheels and Thee light sensors and one Gyro
- #516
- 01 May 2018
- 1

FLL 2017: Attachment To Accomplish The Hydrodynamics Fountain (07) And Faucet (18) Robot Game Missions
Two missions in one. This attachment accomplishes the Hydrodynamics Fountain and Faucet missions from the FIRST LEGO League Hydrodynamics 2017-2018 competitions. The attachment shows a really interesting and widely used approach of a single attachment that is used for two, three and even more missions. This is a standard practice for many of the advanced teams, especially those that reach the finals. The based of the robot is the LEGO Box Robot Three With Large Wheels and Thee light sensors and one Gyro
- #514
- 01 May 2018
- 1

FTC Tetrix Ball Collecting Mechanism for PushBot
Building instructions with dimensions on the ball collecting mechanism for the FIRST Technical Challenge Push Bot. The collecting mechanism should be attached to the Chassis -
- #281
- 23 Apr 2018
- 3

Snowflake - A Snowmobile Vehicle built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Winter might be far away or it might just be coming - depending of course on where you are in the world. But you can always spend a few hours having fun with a LEGO Mindstorms Snowmobile. A really challenging construction that requires good preparation, concentration and a lot of efforts to complete. Same is going to the mountain in the winter. But the reward at the end is worth it.
- #433
- 23 Apr 2018

FLL 2017: Attachment The Manhole Cover (08th) Mission
We have to admit. This is quite an interesting missions. There is a Manhole cover and it must be turned upside down. Well, the robot must turn it. Again LEGO Box Robot Three With Large Wheels and Thee light sensors and one Gyro is used as a base for the Robot.
- #509
- 18 Apr 2018
- 1

How to Add a diode to indicate controller power up - 3D Scheme
3D Instructions on how to add a diode to the Raspberry Pi and indicate when the Raspberry Pi is turned on.
- #502
- 10 Apr 2018

Connect Front Steering Motor to Raspberry Pi - 3D Scheme
A 3D scheme on how to connect the front steering motor to the Raspberry PI. This includes the Motor Driver and the batteries. The rear motor is also on this scene.
- #507
- 10 Apr 2018

How to connect Rear Motor To Motor Driver and to Raspberry PI - 3D scheme
In this 3D scheme, you can see how the motor driver is connected to the Raspberry Pi and to the motor. Follow the steps in the instructions one by one and you will have successfully connected the motor to the Raspberry PI
- #504
- 10 Apr 2018

Perfect Course Connecting Raspberry Pi - Motor Driver - Batteries - Motors
The is the whole step-by-step process of connecting the motors with the Raspberry PI with the driver and the batteries. No scheme needed. Everything is already here. In the course, the motors are part of the car and the batteries are in the batteries holder, but with this scheme, you could see the whole process.
- #464
- 10 Apr 2018

How to connect L298N Motor Driver To Batteries Power - 3D Scheme
3D scheme on how to connect the L298N Motor Driver to the Batteries. Follow the step-by-step instructions. Be careful about the PCB terminal connectors.
- #505
- 10 Apr 2018

How to connect L298N To Motor And Batteries
3D scheme with instructions on how to connect the L298N driver to the batteries and to the motor. Just that. Connecting to the Raspberry Pi is at a later stage of the course.
- #506
- 10 Apr 2018

Insert The SD Card into the Raspberry Pi
Step by step guide on how to add the SD card to the Raspberry pi.
The Raspberry Pi must not be powered.
- #501
- 10 Apr 2018

Икозейтър - Лего EV3 танк
Ние обичаме танкове. Вие обичате танкове. Всички обичат танкове. Е, може би не всички - по-скоро всички обичат машини с вериги, тъй като те са интересни, не толкова често срещани, лесни за конструиране и могат преодолеят множество препятствия.
- #512
- 01 Apr 2018

Стърлинг - LEGO робот, следващ линия
Инструкции за конструиране на прост LEGO EV3 робот, състоящ се от два големи мотора и сензор за цвят. Роботът е компактен, което го прави идеален за следване на линия. Обърнете внимание, че моторите на робота са обърнати, в резултат на което при зададена програма за движение напред, той ще се движи назад.
- #466
- 01 Apr 2018

Robopartans Methodology of teaching in robotics classes
This is a Material supplementing the Instructors training course. Attached is our methodology for working with students. If you spend some time to read it beforehand, we can discuss only the questions that you have, instead of listening to the whole thing. That will be a more efficient usage of our time in the training.
- #343
- 01 Apr 2018

Кланг - Лего EV3 Военно-транспортен камион
Инструкции за конструиране на камион от ЛЕГО. Камионът е замислен като военно-транспортен, но може да бъде използван за транспортиране на най-различни предмети. Конструкцията е със задно задвижване, като всяко от задните колела е задвижвано от по един голям ЛЕГО мотор. Предните колела завиват с помощта на среден мотор. Брикът е закрепен отпред на конструкцията и позволява допълнителното закрепване на различни сензори, в зависимост от целта.
- #461
- 30 Mar 2018

Модел за програмиране с цветен код
Инструкции за конструиране на прост ЛЕГО модел, съдържащ червени, зелени, сини и жълти тройни греди. Това го прави идеален за управление на роботи чрез цветен код.
- #463
- 30 Mar 2018