Building Instructions

Catapult Rotating Base - LEGO Mindstorms construction for a base for a catapult
This is the initial construction of a catapult. The base on which we will place the rest of the robot. The goal of this construction is to give the catapult the ability to rotate.
- #204
- 01 Feb 2015
- 3

Ane - a LEGO Mindstorms Musician robot
During a competition a team of students had to build a robot that looks like a musician. This construction in front of the robot is a Trompet and it looks like Ane is playing some music. If you play music on the phone on the side it is really funny to watch it play.
- #1330
- 22 Jun 2021

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M06 Accident Avoidance attachment
This is a pinless attachment for a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot that uses the Ultrasonic sensor. The attachment could be placed on top of the robot. As it is pinless, it is easy to quickly place and remove it.
- #1517
- 03 Jan 2023

Distance sensor attachment from LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor, with buiding instructions
This is a distance sensor attachment for Gazon 2.0, a LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor robot with a single sensor. This attachment is place on the robot whenever we want to work with the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Distance Sensor.
- #1434
- 24 Mar 2022