VEX IQ Robot Base 4
It's a VEX IQ robot base with all VEX IQ Sensors. The robot has 1 x Gyro, 1 x Ultrasonic, 1x Color Sensor, 2 x Toch Sensors, 1 x Touch Led Sensor.
- #314
- 14 Jul 2017
It's a VEX IQ robot base with all VEX IQ Sensors. The robot has 1 x Gyro, 1 x Ultrasonic, 1x Color Sensor, 2 x Toch Sensors, 1 x Touch Led Sensor.
Инструкции за ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 робот, който може да се построи за три минути. Можете ли да се справите? Опитайте.
Използваме този робот, когато трябва да направим нещо бързи за демонстрация или малко състезание. Просто прикрепете моторите и сте готови. Бързо е, нали.
These are 3D Building Instructions for the Music Concert Lights and Sounds mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.
These are 3D Building Instructions for the Sound Mixer mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.
We use this attachment to demonstrate the principle of an active attachment. This is an attachment activated from the motor. It has one level attached to it. It could be reused. The attachment transfers power from the motor to the end of the lever and we can accomplish missions like the Power Switch mission from the FLLCasts Off-season mission models.
These are the building instructions for the Writing attachment for Tricky - the Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor's smallest robot. If you build this attachment, you can program Tricky to write different things with its pen by moving. The animation in the instructions below will give you a better perspective for its abilities.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M01 mission with the Whakatae. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
Това е добавка за Уелдър – супер обикновен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Тя позволява на мотора да се движи само на задната си гума и по този начин да прави готини трикове. Какви по-точно ще трябва да откриете сами!
Това поле може да се разпечата на винил и съдържа 15 продукта и 7 баркода. Баркодовете са асиметрични и за разлика от истинските баркодове дават различни резултати в зависимост от това дали се прочетат от ляво на дясно или от дясно на ляво.
This is the field used in FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019. The pdf should be downloaded and printed 1:1. It is best if it is printed on durable canvas such as vinyl. Although we do not recomend it, the field can be printed on regular paper.
This is the attachment of Team "Nightbeast", with which they :
1. Inserts the Tube Module into the Habitation Hub port, west side
2. Move all four Core Samples so they are no longer touching the axle that held them in the Core Site Model
3. Place the Gas Core Sample completely in Base
From missions M05 and M06 from FLL Into Orbit Challenge
This is a little robot that doesn't like its switch touched. It will return the switch back every time it's touched and react in a variety of ways.
The program for controlling the robot is available at /programs/wc7iqy-program-for-ev3-finger-bot
This are the building instructions for a mechanism, collecting cubes. It is designed as an attachment for VEX Robot Base 5 and can be used to solve the VEX IQ Challenge High rise 2014-2015.
Инструкции за третия модул на робота Ugbroid - задвижващ механизъм.
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms robot attachment used at the FIRST LEGO League Natures Fury Competition. This robot attachment takes two of the building and moves them without demolishing them. It is a good example of the use of gear wheels and worm gear. The gear wheels move levers in opposite directions.
These are 3D Building Instructions for the Movie Set mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.
These are 3D Building Instructions for the Masterpiece mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.
3D building instructions for the solar farm energy unit in FIRST LEGO League 2022. Find the parts in Bag 1
This is a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot attachment for accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2020 Replay Boccia mission . The attachment is designed for Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot.. With this attachment we follow the line with the robot until we reach the team mission and we use the lever on the top to push the blue box. Then we follow the line to reach the Boccia mission, and three things happen: 1. align to the mission model with the front of the attachment, 2. turn the lever to release the green boxes and 3. move the lever to push on the mission model. This is a complex mission requiring a lot of coordination from the robot. Quite interesting I must say.