Мидас - ЛЕГО мида робот
Роботът използва 2 Mindstorms EV3 големи мотора за да се отваря и затваря. Използва стоманено топче за перла и веждите му могат да се мърдат за да се променя изражението му.
- #661
- 07 Jan 2019
Роботът използва 2 Mindstorms EV3 големи мотора за да се отваря и затваря. Използва стоманено топче за перла и веждите му могат да се мърдат за да се променя изражението му.
This is a Garbage container and it is fun. As all garbage containers it has only three wheels as one of the wheels is missing. You can also see how one of the wheels is a little different and broken to the side. Like all garbage containers.
The container is useful to play and put things inside.
Suitable for children 6-10 years old. Construct the Garbage Container and leave it for a week for the children to play with. They will spend at least an hour playing with it during the week
Инструкции за ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 база за робот. Приставката за моторите е доста интересна. Следваме ъглите на ЛЕГО Техник, за да прикрепим моторите. При тази конструкция е малко трудно да се завива наляво и надясно. Но, ако трябва да превъзмогнете толкова високо препятствие, това е един от начините да го направите.
С този робот може да използвате всякакви видове колела - EV3, NXT или други. Няма особено значение.
Big Wheelster, as his name suggests, is a robot with a big wheel! The Big Wheel is made out of the SPIKE Prime Baseplates. The robot also has an interesting steering mechanism! At the front we have added a touch sensor, to detect an obstacle and hopefully avoid it.
A hand driven Ferris wheel for a cascades. Something like the famous Ferris wheel scene from Le boulet movie.
Or create a story like... Where the chicken fight two hunters and blows them away with explosion so powerful that the shock wave blow away the chicken to the top of the highest cabin and the hunters are blown away that far they are missing in the thumb nail! Or ... Yea, I remember a story ...
Just open your mind for the most strange and unusual story you can think of.
Weekly playtime with a good story: About ~2-3 hours
This robot is a spin-off of the Useless machine built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3. This robots mission is to be the last to press the button it holds.
Let's play some basketball
Tricky might be the smallest Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor robot, but it's definitely one of the greatest. If you build Tricky with this particular Basketball attachment and grab the Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, you'll unlock a whole new level in playing basketball at home. Yes, yes, we know that you'll also need a basketball hoop, so you'll find a link for it below.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
This magical wardrobe is for little dolls wear and bags. It could be a part of every doll play at any time. Yes. We have daughters.
Do you like playing bowling? How about playing it with a Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor set? Well, these are the building instructions for the bowling pins and "playground". In order to play bowling with a robot, you'll first have to build one. This particular construction was created to be used with Tricky - the smallest Inventor robot - and its Kick the ball attachment. You could later spice things up and try to play it with the Turning attachment for Tricky.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
Go, robot, grab the ball!
If you want to have some fun and play some ball grabbing with your Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515 set, these are the building instructions you'll need. As you probably know, Tricky is the smallest robot made from this set. With this ball grabbing attachment, you could program Tricky to grab the Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, and place it wherever you want.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
You can't play basketball without a hoop. So here are the building instructions of a Basketball hoop built with LEGO Mindstorms 51515 Robot Inventor set. The other things you'll need to play this game at your own home are a Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, and, of course, a robot. This hoop construction was created to be used with the smallest Inventor robot Tricky and its Basketball attachment. When you are ready with the constructions, you have to program the robot and start playing. Who will score more points in this robotics basketball game?
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
Както може би сте забелязали, в последно време всички готини деца строят тенсегрити структури. Затова ние решихме да направим една за тези от вас, които имат Спайк прайм комплект и искат да си построят своя! Също така тази тенсегрити структура изисква само части от комплекта, което означава че нямате нужда да връзвате конци към греди и други части!
На върха на структурата има 2 напълно работещи мотора! Можете ли да направите нещо яко с тях?
One pumpkin spice latte coming right up! This robot is made to serve the best drinks in the whole continent! It is one of the simpler robots that can be made with the LEGO SPIKE Prime set and it uses two medium motors to move around. The coolest part about the robot is the cup holder where a "cup" can be attached or removed. Bottoms up!
Zat is fun. Zat is great. It is a simple construction for a car with 4 large wheels. And who does not like cars with large wheels. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 we had a lot of fun with it on Sunday. It was an idea of my wife and the kids took a lot of time putting things on in and moving it around. Just put things on it and play with it.
Zatter is the big brother of Zat and Zatty. Zatter is here to take the load. It has a large container on its back, suitable for placing different toys inside and playing with them. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 it was designed by my wife and just slightly improved by me and my colleagues. We spend a good hour or two with the kids placing different plush toys and playing with it.
Play time for a week: About an hour
Zatty is the smaller sibling if Zat. Zatty is small and cute. It's a car on a frame with 4 small wheels and of course two mini figures riding in it or on it. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 it was designed by my 7 years old daughter and then slightly improved by me and the colleagues.
Play time for a week: About an hour
During a competition a team of students had to build a robot that looks like a musician. This construction in front of the robot is a Trompet and it looks like Ane is playing some music. If you play music on the phone on the side it is really funny to watch it play.
This is the Coffee Pot, along with a coffee mug. It was 2 hours of fun
You remember Mighty Coffee? Well, my wife is looking at me building Mighty Coffee and is like "Why can't we have a beer?"...yes, the world around me. At the end of the day we had a Mighty Coffee and MBEER and we realized that both of these are not appropriate for 6-10 years old, but nevertheless the children had a lot of fun with them. They were pouring coffee in the beer mug, then put the whole Mighty Coffee into the beer mug they played probably for about an hour. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 this beer mug is just clean and beautiful. Only with blue frames. As an engineer I tried to construct it the first time with the children and then ask them to construct it without following instructions. Try it. It is like a puzzle. Build it the first time with the 3D Assembly Instruction and the second time without any instruction.
Play time for a week: ~1-2 hours in total.