LEGO Mindstorms Catapult Motor and Touch Sensor
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms Catapult Motor and Touch Sensor that are used for triggers for firing objects
- #238
- 18 Jan 2015
- 1
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms Catapult Motor and Touch Sensor that are used for triggers for firing objects
Simple VEX IQ competition base with a lot of space for attachments and gravity center in the backside of the robot.
A very simple base of the robot that could be used for adding attachments.
Инструкции за робот, построен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Казва се Франкенщайн, тъй като двата мотора са противоположни.
This is the chassis for the popular FTC Push Bot. The robot is built with the Tetrix set and uses two motors. When preparing for a FIRST Technical Challenge competition (FTC) it is very useful to have a chassis from which you could start working. It might not, and will surely not be the final robot, but a good base is always useful.
With this chassis, we've also made a short course of how to control it. Take a look at FIRST Technical Challenge. Basic GamePads, control and attachments for the Tetrix set.
Advanced LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Construction. It has two rear motors and it could rotate the whole from part. It has 4 wheels and is kind of like unique in the Mindstorms world.
Building instructions are not very easy and you need LEGO Education Core and Extension Sets - 45544 and 45560.
Apart from being advanced, it is also quite fun to try to build.
It's a VEX IQ robot base with all VEX IQ Sensors. The robot has 1 x Gyro, 1 x Ultrasonic, 1x Color Sensor, 2 x Toch Sensors, 1 x Touch Led Sensor.
Инструкции за ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 робот, който може да се построи за три минути. Можете ли да се справите? Опитайте.
Използваме този робот, когато трябва да направим нещо бързи за демонстрация или малко състезание. Просто прикрепете моторите и сте готови. Бързо е, нали.
Това е добавка за Уелдър – супер обикновен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Тя позволява на мотора да се движи само на задната си гума и по този начин да прави готини трикове. Какви по-точно ще трябва да откриете сами!
This are the building instructions for a mechanism, collecting cubes. It is designed as an attachment for VEX Robot Base 5 and can be used to solve the VEX IQ Challenge High rise 2014-2015.
Инструкции за третия модул на робота Ugbroid - задвижващ механизъм.
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms robot attachment used at the FIRST LEGO League Natures Fury Competition. This robot attachment takes two of the building and moves them without demolishing them. It is a good example of the use of gear wheels and worm gear. The gear wheels move levers in opposite directions.
Building instructions with dimensions on the ball collecting mechanism for the FIRST Technical Challenge Push Bot. The collecting mechanism should be attached to the Chassis - https://www.fllcasts.com/materials/382-ftc-push-bot-chassis-from-tetrix
It's the second version of the Robot Base 4, but with rotated inside motor.
Building instructions for Tower Trunk. The trunk is designed to store cubes and then drop them on a desired spot. It can be used alongside Cube Collector 2 as an attachment for VEX Robot Base 1.
Инструкции за втория модул на робота Ugbroid - Базата.
Building instructions for this LEGO Mindstorms EV3 attachment for the FIRST LEGO League Nature's Fury robotics competition
So I was looking around the house and I thought- "This will be fun for the kids. Let's build a coffee machine". Little did I know how fun it will be. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 this Coffee Machine has a lit that could be opened/closed and is with the right size for the hands of an 6-10 years old child. What my daughters did with it is to have some coffee with the other toys. It is fun for them to construct and was really interesting that you can open and close it. As an engineer I had the chance to tell them a few words about the valve on the machine and why it is needed. Best ~2 hours of play for this week.
Play time for a week: ~2 hours in total