Space Travel. Mission 01 For FIRST LEGO League 2018 Into Orbit Challenge
Incredible engineering accomplishments like space travel come about in steps. And many huge, progressive sub-goals need to be met before we can forever leave earth and live to tell about it!
The robot needs to send payload rockets (carts) rolling down the space travel ramp. The first cart is preset and ready to go, but the robot needs to load the other two from the base.
- Vehicle payload rolled down the space travel ramp: 22
- Supply payload rolled down the space travel ramp: 14
- Crew payload rolled down the space travel ramp: 10
- Possible scores: 0, 10, 14, 22, 24, 32, 36, 46
Scoring Requirements
- For each roll, the cart must be independent by the time it reaches the first track connection ramp. > Note: Only allowed method. Must be observed by the referee.
- Start each payload clearly rolling down the space travel ramp. > Note: Only allowed method. Must be observed by the referee.
- As a mission requirement in any mission, the word “independent” means “not in contact with any of your equipment. > As long as the cart clearly rolls independently past the first track connection, it’s okay if it doesn’t roll all the way east.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
- #541
- 01 Jan 2016