WRO Catch and Move Robot. Light Version
Building instructions for a robot for the World Robotics Olympiad Sputnik competition. This is the light version without the lift at the top.
- #114
- 27 Mar 2016
- 1
"I came to browse the Internet and build robots. And I am done browsing the Internet". Many different approaches, principles and directions to constructing robots with detailed building instructions and pictures.
Building instructions for a robot for the World Robotics Olympiad Sputnik competition. This is the light version without the lift at the top.
Building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot used for accomplishing WRO 2014 mission. It is the full robot with the lift at the top
Той се движи и събира. Събира предмети.
Това са инструкциите за построяване на ЛЕГО Mindstorms робот, който събира предмети. Всъщност, той не ги събира, затова сме го нарекли „Обикновен робот събирач“. В общия случай този робот се програмира така, че да се движи по пода и да събира някои колела и гуми, идващи с комплектите Mindstorms 45544, 45560 или 31313 LEGO.